Imagine: Thranduil getting jealous

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Request for: @Duran91

"No!" I retorted, gasping dramatically at Neldor's statement, the captain of the guard

"Yes!" He exclaimed, grinning broadly

"No. There's no way that you could have made all ten shots in a row. It's impossible!"

"I did! Tell you what, meet me in the same forest clearing that we were in last week, tomorrow at noon and I'll prove you wrong."

"And if you fail this task, what do I get?" I asked curiously

"Then you have the honor of humiliating me for as long as you'd like."

"Deal," I said as I rolled my eyes and shook his hand

"I'm going to win this bet, Y/N!" He exclaimed boastfully as he walked away

"Fool," I muttered under my breath, before bursting into a fit of giggles from his idiocy

My joy was cut short when I heard the sound of a rustling bush.

"Who's there?" I asked fearfully, whirling in every direction

Remembering that I was not a guard and that I did not have a weapon, let alone know how to hold and wield one, I ran back to the gates as fast as my dress would allow me to.


A few hours later:

At noon, I quickly changed into a dress I could be more agile in, even though I wouldn't be doing anything immensely aerobic.

As I opened my bedroom door to leave for the forest, I stood face to face with King Oropher.

"My lord," I said immediately, curtsying

"Do you have any idea of what has gotten into Thranduil?" He asked, catching me off guard

"N-No. I have not spoken to him in quite some time, my lord." I said truthfully

"Oh, I-I thought you two were friends." He said, making my neck tighten

"We-We speak occasionally."

"Very well." He huffed "Would you be willing to speak with him?"

"M-Me?" I asked with bewilderment

"Yes. He is in his room. Don't bother knocking." Oropher said quickly, leaving me before I could say a thing

"I guess you'll have to wait, Neldor." I said to myself, making my way to the prince's chambers

After knocking once, I stopped myself and twisted the door open.

"Thranduil?" I called, looking around for him

I spotted him standing in front of a window with his back towards me.

"You love him?" He asked suddenly, which was completely uncalled for

"What?" I asked obliviously

"Neldor. You love him very much?" He said, further explaining his prediction

"You are joking, right?!" I scoffed with disgust

"You-You think that I, that we?! Oh my goodness!" I rambled on, waving my hands in the air, emphasizing my anger and disbelief of his theory

"What else am I supposed to think, Y/N? I saw you two laughing and speaking to each other as if-"

"Wait..." I cut him off "you-you saw us? How? Where? When?!"

Despite the dimness of the room, I saw his cheeks flush

"N-Nevermind that." He said cooly, dismissing my questions

"What does it matter? Why do you care so much about who I love and who I do not?" I asked with the same amount of prying as he did earlier, it was only fair...

If only Thranduil knew how much I truly loved him.

"I will answer when you tell me if you have feelings for Neldor or not." Thranduil proposed, crossing his arms

"No, I don't." I murmured in response, glancing back at him

I could not bring myself to look away as I glanced at Thranduil. He looked eyes must be deceiving me.

"Now," I said awkwardly, clearing my throat "tell me why you care so much about my relationship status?"

He would not answer me, he only stared.

Thranduil began to move closer to me, his fingers trembling and his chest heaving.

"Thranduil?" I questioned fearfully, taking a step back as he took a step forth

Seconds later, as Thranduil continued his frightening trek to me, I reached behind me for the doorknob to flee, but my hand landed flat onto the wall.

I clenched my fist in anger at my miscalculation and helplessly looked up at him.

"You-You still didn't answer my question..." I whispered, my fear forbidding me from speaking any louder

"Does this answer your question...?" He alluded, placing his hands on my cheeks and moving closer to me

"No, it doesn—" I started to say, but was physically at a loss for words when his lips pressed against mine...

"Y-Yes" I exhaled dreamily when he pulled away, my eyes still shut and my lips curved upwards into a smile

"Neldor fibbed, Y/N, he cannot make all ten shots in a row...only I can," Thranduil whispered

"You were the one hiding behind that bush?!" I asked angrily, my mind finally putting all of the pieces together

"I-I..." He stuttered

"You scared me to death!" I exclaimed, shoving him slightly "I thought I was about to be ambushed by a pack of...of orcs!"

"Do not fret." Thranduil consoled, chuckling softly as he pulled me into a tight embrace "From now on, I will always be there to protect you from harm..."

I smiled broadly up at him, but my face fell when I realized that Neldor was currently in the middle of the forest waiting for me.

"What is it?" Thranduil asked as he played with my hair

"I-I have to go," I said, pulling out of his embrace

"Do not waste your time watching Neldor miss every target, my love," Thranduil said, immediately realizing my motive "Tomorrow, tell him that you bailed just so you could save him the embarrassment."

"That does sound believable," I said to myself, giggling softly

"So, what do you say?" Thranduil questioned, wrapping his arms around my waist

"I won't go...unless you want to show me your archery skills instead?"

Thranduil laughed loudly and took my hand in his.

"It would be my pleasure." He said, before going to gather his bow

I watched him, smiling from ear to ear and found myself wishing that Thranduil had professed his love to me sooner.


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