Imagine: Realizing that you're Thranduil's sister

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"Erolith, wait!" I shrieked after my son, chasing him down the bustling corridor

His short legs miraculously moved at an unfathomable speed.

With the adjournment of a meeting taking place at the same time, I received several looks of abhorrence from unimpressed, noble elves. I ignored their haughty looks and redirected my eyes onto my running son.

With my field of vision only focusing on the colored silhouette of Erolith, I lost all awareness of everything else.

Though my action was mediocre at best, I regretted it as soon as I had begun it.

I had run into the king.

My chest bashed against his, rattling my ribs and knocking my air supply to Imladris.

In the effort to stop my body from directly hitting him, King Thranduil's hands grasped the tops of my arms, but, he was too late. He was thrown a few feet back, while I quickly descended to the floor with a loud thud.

Before I could groan and clutch my throbbing limbs, I apologized.

"F-Forgive me, my lord, I-" I murmured, elevating my upper half with my elbows

The rage within his eyes silenced me, my whole body trembling with fear.

I braced myself from the mammoth scolding to come by shutting my eyes and turning my head away.

So I waited...and waited.

After noticing his delay, I pried my eyes open, to see his rage completely gone, replaced with wide eyes and an agape mouth.

"Your necklace..." He gasped, sounding winded "how have you attained it?"

"M-My father gave it to me, it belonged to my mother, my lord" I croaked with confusion and pain

I remained on the floor, waiting for his response, but, none came.

He turned around and sped away from me, evading from my sight.


"Nana? Are you all alright? You look upset." My son asked as I worked the soap into his raven-colored hair, lather coating my trembling fingertips

"Yes, ion nîn, I am fine. I am only thinking." I murmured, smiling as best I could

"About what?"

"About your father, and how much I miss him." I croaked, kissing his forehead that was beaded with water droplets

"I-I miss him too..." Erolith wept softly

I quickly pulled him into my arms and rubbed his shuddering back, weeping silently

"Your father is so proud of y-" My statement was cut short by the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door

I quickly excused myself and left to the door, answering as I wiped soap onto the sides of my dress.

"My-My lord," I said, astonished, quickly curtsying

"I need you to follow me." He ordered, his eyes looking as if they were trying to decipher everything about me

"Forgive me, but I am in the midst of bathing my son." I murmured with fear, certain that the scold I was due to receive previously would happen now

"Very well. Meet me in the library at sundown" He replied nonchalantly, before walking away

Once he was gone, I sighed heavily and slumped against the wall beside me, clutching at my palpitating heart. The amount of fear and confusion I had in that very minute was beyond comprehension.

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