Imagine: Thranduil finding you hurt and taking you in

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Request for: @CrystalEmmie

"Help! Help me, please!" I screamed, sobbing from the depth of my soul as I ran towards the gate of the unknown realm

My screams pierced the eardrums of the guards standing at the gate I charged towards

One guard caught me by the shoulders, searching my frenzied eyes

"He is going to hurt me! He is coming for me! Hide me, I beg of you!" I wept, looking over my shoulder with each word I said

I watched the guard mutter something to the others and they disappeared behind the massive door

"Who did this to you?" The guard queried softly when we were alone, examining the bruises and scars that riddled my body

"H-Him." I cried

When I parted my lips to further plead for my concealment, the wooden doors opened, revealing a tall elf, dressed in a glimmering kaftan and a velvet robe

I looked upon him, preparing to ask for asylum, only to collapse from of exhaustion, my adrenaline having started to wear off


My eyes peeled open, only to see a pair of cerulean ones boring into mine.

An image of my abusive father suddenly flashed before my eyes, causing me to gasp sharply and begin to hyperventilate

"Is he here? Did he find me?" I sobbed fearfully

"Hush, child, no one is here." The being I saw earlier said comfortingly as he placed his hands over my shoulders to calm me

"While you were unconscious, you begged to be hidden from your adar...did he do this to you?" He asked

I looked away, tears filling my eyes

"I-I have to go. He is going to find me and kill me." I cried softly, turning to look at him

"Your limbs are broken. Your body is weak and wounded. How you made it all the way to Mirkwood is beyond me. Who could be so heartless and senseless to hurt an innocent child?" The ellon murmured, shaking his head with disgust

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I begged desperately

"You are to stay here. Where you will be safe from the piece of filth who did this to you. And if he should find you, he will be dead before he even sets foot into this realm."

"W-Why are you helping me?" I said hoarsely, looking into his eyes

"I am only doing what is right, now, you must rest," The ellon said as he stood to leave

"Thank you...for everything" I whispered in return as he left

"I have not done anything, dear" The ellon said, seeming to be taken aback by my thanks

"You have given me shelter....that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for m-me..." I replied, starting to weep halfway through my explanation

Within seconds, I was in his embrace, staining his shoulder with my tears.

"I swear to you, your father will never lay a finger on you again."


I woke the next morning, only to discover that all of my scars were wrapped in bandages

Ignoring the sensation of not being able to feel my legs, I took a minute to study my beautiful surroundings. This bedroom exceeded far beyond what I called my room.

"How are you feeling?" I heard the same elf I spoke to yesterday ask from the ajar door

"Much better," I replied graciously, looking at my concealed wounds

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