Imagine: Thranduil, your father, not approving of the man you love (Part 1)

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A/N: I researched everything to the best of my ability and I apologize for any factual mistakes

Request for: @dalyla2552

I sat for the better part of the day, tangled in the flowing drapes of my window, impatiently awaiting his arrival. When the soft reverberations of his elk's hooves on the cobblestone met my ears, I flew from my bedroom and out the gates.

My excitement was palpable, but my fear masked.

"Adar!" I shouted as I waved to him, straining to gain some height as I was on my toes

He heard me before he saw me and when I deemed he was close enough, I weaved my way through the troops that accompanied him.

"Ada" I said again, much quieter, now being at his side

"Iell nîn" He replied dotingly, gently brushing my cheek with his knuckles

I took hold of the reins and walked his elk the last few yards to the gate.

"Here, let me" I said, taking the satchels he started to pull over his head, placing them around mine

I waited for him to dismount and remove the saddle from his elk, bombarding him with questions as we walked the massive, graceful creature to the stables.

"So, how was your trip to Lothlórien?" I started, wringing my hands

"It was quite impactful. Lady Galadriel and I spoke of the expansion of trading and I had the opportunity to look into the inner workings of their border protection."

I hummed, feigning interest, my mind only on one thing.

" met the Wardens of Lorien, then?" I asked treading the subject lightly

"Oh, yes, they are very intelligent and their dedication to guarding their home is unmistakable."

This made my heart soar, deeming he had made a good impression, but I feared I had already made my motive too obvious, so I quickly averted my father's aura of vigilance by stating "Oh! I forgot to tell you, Legolas sent a letter from Rivendell. He said that he will be joining the Fellowship to destroy the ring. I know you told him to find Aragorn, but I didn't expect this."

Thranduil sighed, placing his hand on the creature's muzzle.

"I didn't either. That brother of yours is ceaseless. If he puts his conscience to anything, he will stop at nothing to achieve it. It hurts me that he will be gone for so long and the notion that I know nothing of his safety, or when he'll return frightens me-"

"Ada," I started, rushing into his arms "he is going to be alright. You know what a capable, strong and noble ellon Legolas is."

"I know," My father sighed, stroking the back of my head "it's just that with the battle having just ended and the delicate state of our home, my mind is clouded with worry and involuntary anticipation for more bloodshed. Thank Eru I still have my little flower by my side." His voice had reduced to a whisper, and he pulled out of our embrace, softly holding my chin between his thumb and forefinger

"I don't know what I would do if you were to leave me, especially at a time like this"

A dagger laced with guilt struck my heart as he said this. I nestled myself back into his chest, so that he would not see the pain in my eyes, hoping he did not witness my expression falter.

He wasn't going to like what I had to say, it would break him.


Haldir and I had agreed that I wouldn't breathe a word to my father until he received Haldir's letter, the contents of which explained everything my father needed to know.

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