Imagine: Having to leave Thranduil and Legolas

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You lay in the grass, its warmth enveloping you with serenity. As the sound of clashing lumber fills your ears again, you roll over, a broad smile resurfacing against your lips for what feels like the thousandth time.

"Well done, my son" You compliment as your little leaf blocks his father's swing

Legolas's face illuminates with a smile and he continues to successfully fight his competent father.

Thranduil then "accidentally" drops his sword and Legolas playfull impales him with his wooden sword.

A fit of soft giggles brushes past your smiling lips as Thranduil falls to his knees with a grunt and topples over.

"Yes!" Legolas exclaims, jumping up into the air "I finally beat ada!" He adds

You stand and pull Legolas into your arms as you kneel before him.

"I'm so proud of you," You say, beaming with joy and shower Legolas with kisses

"Nana stop!" Legolas begs as he tries to break free from your loving embrace and kisses

Unfortunately for Legolas, his pleading does not dissuade you from your fondling.

"I love you, my know, one day, after lots and lots of practice, you'll be one of the best fighters in Mirkwood, even better than your ada" You whisper

"I heard that" You hear Thranduil say from behind you

You turn around, laughing, and peck his idle lips with a kiss.

"You can come back to life now" You giggle, slightly nudging him with your hand

As your husband opens his eyes, revealing his glacial irises, you find yourself at a loss for air. After centuries of marriage, you still fall in love with him all over again everyday. Thranduil Oropherion never ceases making your love for him grow.

After he raises himself, balancing his upper half on his elbows, you smile at him.

"What?" Thranduil asks

"Nothing," You say, shaking your head "I just love you, and our leaf, so much, more than words can say" You add, pulling Legolas into your lap and hugging Thranduil

As Legolas and you hug Thranduil, he wraps his strong arms around the both of you, burying his face in your hair.

"And I love you, my loves" He coos "You two are the light of my life"

As you smile into Thranduil's chest, you begin to smell Legolas and his perspiration.

"I think it's time for a bath you two" You giggle, backing away from them

Thranduil laughs in agreement and stands, holding Legolas above his hip.

"I'll gather your weapons and join you both shortly," You say as you stand and collect their wooden blades

After you begin to rise from grabbing the second sword, your eyesight blurs and you grow dizzy, causing you to lose your footing and quickly lean onto the nearest tree.

You slowly close your eyes, suddenly finding it hard to get air flowing to your lungs. You drop the wooden swords as if they're burned your trembling hands and press a hand to your forehead.

You ignore the abrupt, eccentric feeling and begin to follow after your husband and son who now seem so far away.

Four steps in, your feet cease to cooperate and you fall, your eyes lulling closed to the warm, serenity-giving grass below your suddenly exhausted body.

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