Imagine: Thranduil trying to kill you

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Request for: @Loivissa

The bird's hymn indicating the sun's debut woke me from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open and I sighed, arching my back as I stretched atop the tree I had slumbered in. I reside in the middle of the Mirkwood forest. Because, well...because I wish to. I was orphaned long ago, in my early teenage years, and I stumbled into this forest, looking for the realm my dying parents told me to relocate to. Once close to the gate, I lurked near the entrance, behind the trees. I was terrified to step forth and beg for shelter. My fear corrupted me. I convinced myself that I could live alone, without the aid of a monarch and his people.

Now, here I am today, one thousand years later, perfectly compatible with sleeping against any high, thick branch of a tree, in this dense coppice.

My independent lifestyle does have its hardships, such as spiders. I often find the daggers and swords of the fallen elven guards I watched bravely battle the abnormally sized arachnids, and I use their weapons to protect myself from the vile creatures.

As for food, I have been able to survive on wild fruits and a minimized selection of plants that grow below my feet, and I drink water from several streams that cut through the dry soil.

I believe I can manage here for many years to come.


Thranduil's pov:

"My lord, the weapons of yesterdays fallen soldiers are gone yet again!" The captain of the guard complained to me for the fifth time this week

"And what would you like me to do? Grant you to retrain the whole guard?" I said with annoyance

"No, my's just, there must be a reasonable explanation for this. It is not like they just grew legs and walked away! Calanon and Adanion have said that they have seen a figure hiding in the trees...this unknown being could be constructing an army, plotting to breach our borders as we speak, my lord! We must do something to prevent this from happening."

I slowly sat up, my attention aroused, now fearing for the wellbeing of my realm and my people.

"Saddle my elk," I ordered

"Of course, my lord," The captain of the guard said as he bowed, quickly exiting


Your pov:

As I was gathering my daily stock of food, I heard the familiar noise of a steed's hooves. Knowing that someone was coming and that I did not have time to climb back up into a tree to hide, I managed to squeeze into a bush, scratching my flesh in the process.

"Show yourself!" I heard someone shout broadly

Thankfully already having a dagger in hand, I squeezed it until my knuckles were pale

"I will climb every tree until I find you! And I will not hesitate to slit your throat."

I gulped, filling with fear

"W-What do you w-want?" I called out, unsure if that was the best thing to do

"Show yourself first..." I heard the regal sounding voice reply

"L-Leave me be. I mean you no harm." I stuttered

"Your false pleas do not dissuade me."

Suddenly, I heard footsteps moving closer to the bush I was hiding inside of.

Just when I thought the person would turn to examine another area, I felt a hand curl around my neck, and I was yanked forth, receiving even more scars.

I gasped, realizing my feet were dangling at least a foot from the ground.

The elf choking me seemed to be taken aback after seeing that I was an elleth.

"Why have you been collecting my fallen guard's weapons? Are you trying to attack my realm?" The elf demanded, letting go of me

I scrambled back as I fell to the ground with a loud thud, coughing vehemently as I tried to restore my hurting lungs, tears coating my irises

"I-I mean you...n-no harm sir, I-I swear it. I was only trying to protect myself f-from the spiders." I replied with difficulty, holding back a sob

As he stepped forth to hurt me again, I shielded my face with my scarred, bleeding arm, beginning to weep.

"P-Please...please." I begged, "I speak the truth."

I waited fearfully to be impaled, to lose a limb, or to be struck, but, nothing of the sort came.

I slowly lowered my arm, my whole body trembling.

"Who are you? And why have you trespassed into my forest?"

I then saw the crown curled around his head and noticed the intricate armor shielding his sculpted physique. He was a king. The king of the realm I was supposed to live in.

"My name is Y/N. I have lived here for the past thousand years after my parents died. I did not mean to trespass. I just did not want to trouble you by asking for shelter. That is all, I swear."

His compressed face softened and his eyes dilated.

"You-You thought that asking for shelter would be trouble for me? That I would not have the space to house you?"

I nodded, tears collecting in my eyes

"You poor, poor child..." He murmured as he sunk to his knees before me, hugging me "you are deprived of parents, deprived of safety, deprived of shelter, and yet, you were too selfless to ask for help because you thought it would be trouble for someone you had never even met..."

I kept my arms at my sides as he held me, still in pain but in now in shock

"Forgive me, I beg of you. It was wrong of me to hurt you the way that I did."

I nodded slowly

"Come," He whispered, pulling me up with him as he stood "you are to live in the Woodland Realm from now on, not on your own, without proper food or safety..."

"Thank you..." I wept softly, allowing him to help me up onto his elk, preparing to head to my initial home


I hope you liked it

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