Imagine: Your town getting attacked by orcs...part 2

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Imagine: Your town getting attacked by orcs, resulting in the death of your parents, and Thranduil taking you in, part 2

A/N: This part takes place a few thousand years after part 1, and you're the equivalent of a teenager in this imagine

Request for: @BloodPoisoning

Your p.o.v.

To say that I was unhappy about Thranduil's betrothal was an understatement. I told him that I was okay with it all, but on the inside I was afraid and deeply saddened.

Would she be considered my mother? Would Thranduil shut me out?

Yes, they are married now, but the same feelings linger. I feel unwanted like I do not belong. And what if they have children? I would never be able to consider them my own sibling, I just can't.

Don't get me wrong, Vanesse, his wife, is wonderful and one of the sweetest people I know, but I fear that she wishes me gone.

Whenever they are together, I stay put away. No being in the Woodland Realm will ever see the three of us together. And when they dine, I always come in once they are nearly finished eating and I say that I lost track of "time" or that I was "sleeping".

I sometimes cry myself to sleep, wishing that my parents were still alive so I would not be in this dilemma, and I contemplate whether I should leave or not. I should have left with my grandparents. I should have.

I think that they reside in Lothlórien, but I cannot be sure, nor do I know if they still reside on Middle Earth. What if they have sailed?

Maybe if I tell Thranduil that I wish to leave to Lothlórien, he will understand and grant me my departure. I'm sure that he will be ecstatic to know that I want to leave.

I will tell him and him alone, right now.

I quickly wiped my tears away and left my bedroom to find him.

I looked for an hour, but I finally found him in the garden with Vanesse.

They looked very delighted and exultant about something.

"Th-Thranduil." I said nervously, stepping into the light

"Y/N!" They both exclaimed in unison as they turned towards me

"We have been looking everywhere for you, dear, we have wonderful news!" Thranduil said with so much joy

Vanesse nodded along with every word he said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh...what is it?" I asked, slightly caught off guard

"Vanesse is with child! Isn't that wonderful?! You're going to be a big sister, Y/N!"

My breath hitched and I took a step back, that was the last thing I expected to hear. I grew winded with shock, tears coating my irises.

"Y/N?" Thranduil questioned, a frown replacing his broad smile

"I-I..." I stammered, overcome with several mixed emotions

Unable to respond, I ran back to my bedroom


I stared at the empty bag atop my bed, asking myself one last time if this was what I wanted.

"Y/N!" I heard Thranduil call, bursting through my bedroom door that I thought I had locked

"What is this?" He asked incredulously upon seeing the bag

I guess now was a good time to tell him.

"I-I want to live with my grandparents, Thranduil. I want to leave."

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