Imagine: Thranduil coming home from war

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Eleven years it has been since I have seen him last. My heart cannot wait another day.

I stood at Mirkwood's ajar gate, impatiently awaiting my beloved's arrival. The time I stood upon my two feet, staring at the umbrage of massive trees and the light patterns they cast upon the forest floor felt like an eternity. I transitioned to looking deep within the path that would lead him to me, listening for anything. My eyes narrowed and my ears perked up as I heard the sound of the rustling land under my feet. It is Thranduil and his troops, I just know it. Over the course of twenty nerve-wracking minutes, the noise grew closer and louder. My fingertips trembled with anticipation and my heart pounded in my ears.

Finally, over the horizon, I caught a glimpse of the gold and burgundy blur of Mirkwood's troops. I gasped audibly and smiled faintly through my abrupt tears. As the still-rising sun shone upon the copious troops of Thranduil and I's realm, my vigilant eyes were directed towards a flickering speck of silver hue. And I know that only one ellon from this very realm wears silver armor. Thranduil.

"Thranduil..." I breathed with immense relief and joy, just before placing a trembling hand over my mouth

I had to physically restrain myself from taking off into a sprint towards him. I had to wait, just until they were close enough...then I could lift the hem of my dress and run like my life depended on it.

As grueling as it was, I stood my ground. Once I could make out their features, I figured that they were finally close enough. Without hesitation, I lifted the hem of my dress and ran as fast as I possibly could.

"THRANDUIL!" I sobbed as loud as my aching heart would allow

Though my tears of longing blurred my vision, I continued on as if I had no impediment to overlook.

"Y/N!" I heard him faintly call over the sound of his troop's rattling armor and synchronized footsteps

I called his name over and over again, using his responses as a guide until I finally merged with them. I pushed past their bloody, frail figures, my altruism having to wait. I have to see him first. I have to make sure that he is unharmed. I have to hold him and kiss him before I can tend to another.

After what felt like a century of searching, screaming, and sobbing, I had finally stumbled into a small clearing amongst the middle of my weakened troops. There he stood, minute scars and dirt upon his pristine face, his hair tousled, and his armor painted with orc blood. I have never wanted to kiss him more.

Without further ado, I forced my feet to move one last time and I leaped into his arms. Thranduil immediately caught me, placing one hand on the back of my head, and wrapped an arm around the small of my back. I tucked my fingers into the shingles of his shoulder armor and wept against his neck, not willing to let go.

"My flower..." He whispered, caressing the back of my head "do not weep. For I am here, I am not harmed. My heart has wept to see you since the second I left. Stifle your sobs, my love, I hate to see you this way. I want to see your beautiful smile and eyes that will take away all of the peril I have witnessed over the course of my elongated departure. Look at me..."

His soothing words and request only made me hold onto him tighter, and turned my anguished, but also relieved sobs into vociferous ones.

"Hush now, I am holding you, am I not?" He questioned gently

I nodded vigorously into his shoulder and clutched his armored torso tighter.

"Look at me," He asked again

I bit my bottom lip and it shuddered, threatening to spill more sobs. I then pulled back, just until I could see his face, his beautiful face.

"My fragile flower..." Thranduil murmured, removing his hand from the back of my head and bringing it to my cheek, carefully brushing away the salted drops my eyes endlessly emitted "you look as if you have been told of my death, what saddens you?"

"Noth-ing. I-I am relieved to see you safe and unharmed" I managed to say, despite the fact that it was incomprehensible

"Shhh...shhh" He whispered, carefully pushing my head back onto his shoulder, realizing how much of a toll his absence has had on me "Rest now, my love, I will be with you while you slumber and when you wake, you're as frail and as light as a feather."

My eyes began to lull closed and I felt his body begin to move towards our home.

"Thranduil?" I questioned, succumbing to slumber

"Yes, my flower?"

"I love you." I slurred slightly

I received a soft chuckle in response and:

"I love you more, Y/N, more than your beautiful heart could ever know."


I hope you liked it

Happy new year!!!

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