Imagine: Thranduil, your father, breaking your heart indelibly...Part 2

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A/N: There will be one final part after this one.

One month later

I was in the gardens bordering the palace, rather than my usual secluded spot deep in the forest. There were several activities set out for all the elflings today, many of which I helped draft during the planning of today's event. I had woken up early to help all the instructors and the keeper of the gardens set up different stations and tables.

I took charge of the flower crown making station, as it was my suggestion to include one, weeks before the event was materialized. My most prized flower crown, adorned with colorful ribbons sat atop my head, as a surefire way to draw the little ones in.

It wasn't long until I was circled by preciously well-behaved elflings, each with a small pile of flowers they collected to their liking before them. I had taken the liberty of selecting the variety of flowers for them to choose from hours prior. When I was sure that all who had any semblance of interest joined our little group, I began by showing them how to layer and bend the stems together to create a secure chain of flowers. I made sure to keep an eye out for and welcome any wary elflings who slowed when walking past our group, their indecisiveness and intrigue evident in their little steps.

"Hello, darling," I said to a little elleth who I noticed was sitting outside of our circle, observing her peers with curiosity.

I made sure not to speak too loudly, in an effort not to garner unwarranted stares and make her feel uneasy.

"Would you like to join us? We've only just begun," I said.

She looked at me, then surveyed the group busy at work, still unsure.

"Tell you what," I whispered, moving a little closer as I held out the half-constructed demo crown in my hands to her. "I can give you this one that I've already started, so you won't feel so behind. I'll be right by your side to help you every step of the way, darling."

She smiled timidly and accepted the crown. As she did so, I moved over and patted the grass beside me, allowing her to join our circle.

"We can add little ribbons to yours, like this," I said, motioning to the my own flower crown, making her eyes light up. "You can go pick any flowers you'd like to add to your crown."

With her spirits now completely lifted, she jumped up and rushed to pick her flowers from the middle pile. The rest of the elflings seemed to have the hang of it and didn't need my assistance for the time being. As I waited for her to maker her selections, I let my eyes wander the occupied gardens.

The garden was teeming with elflings, either chasing each other, working quietly on their crafts, practicing archery, and others eagerly awaited their turn to choose from the wide spread of baked goods the bakers spent the early hours of the morn preparing specially for them.

Their happiness meant the world to me.


A few hours later:

The commotion had begun to dissipate and the gardens emptied little by little as the elflings were called away by their parents. Now, only a handful remained. I stayed with them, helping with any finishing touches on various crafts.

Some flowers remain strewn in the grass about us, never making the final cut in the children's selections for their floral crowns. Before I knew it, the little ones hastened to collect all the flowers, surrounded me, and busied themselves with weaving them into my long plait as I lay patiently seated in the grass.

When they finished placing all of the flowers, they stood around me, marveling at their work. A fond smile claimed my lips as I reached behind me and tenderly felt at the plait, careful not the misplace any flowers.

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