Imagine: Thranduil catching you playing with his crown, while on his throne

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Request for: Legolas3423

"Thranduil? Do you know w–" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw him slumbering peacefully upon our bed, subtly nuzzling his head into the pillow splayed with his hair

I took a moment and basked at his heart warming appearance. I proceeded to quietly tiptoeing over to him, kissing his upturned cheek as I softly wished for him to have a wonderful slumber, at least what was left of it. Thranduil tends to rest for only short amounts of time, no matter how demaning or subtle his duties are for the day.

Whether I was disturbing him or not, I left the room.

As I wandered Mirkwood's halls, I found myself stepping backwards to get a better look at what my eyes caught a glimpse of.

Now faced with the throne room, I found myself laughing softly and shaking my head as I saw that Thranduil had left his crown on his throne. I quickly ascended the stairs and slid the crown onto my arm as if it were a bracelet. I then turned around and took one step down the stone steps, but I stopped. I have never been in Thranduil's position. The view was truly beautiful.

Wanting to relish in what my husband gets to witness every single day, I sighed and slumped down into his massive, intricate cathedra behind me. I could see everything. From waterfalls to walkways to winding staircases and openings spilling in light from the outside.

How have I never noticed this before?

After dismissing the vigilant guards, I softly giggled to myself as I placed Thranduil's wooden crown atop my head, it obviously not fitting.

The feeling was exhilarating nonetheless. Holding it in place with my hand, I inhaled deeply through my nose and exhaled a sigh of wonderment throughout my mouth.

As I finished exhaling, an idea came to me. A part of me could not resist putting it into play. If I was to sit in Thranduil's throne, with his crown atop my head, I must mimic him. It is the only sensible thing I have yet to do.

Biting the insides of my cheeks to restrain from laughing, I straightened my back to give myself some height and rested my arms flat against the pair of handles at my right and left side.

I first tried to mock his scowl. After minutes of trying to walk, move, and talk like my husband, I gave up. Sighing, I took the wooden crown from my head, and tossed it into my lap as I frowned .

I fiddled with the crown's red berries and leaves as I contemplated my retreat to wherever.

"I did not know that the king had already awoken..." I heard a familiar voice say from the entrance

Completely caught off guard, I jumped up to my feet, grimacing as I listened to Thranduil's crown fall down the steps to where I currently stood

My palpitating heart was not nearly as damaging as the fear and embarrassment that consumed me.

I watched as Thranduil walked towards me to retrieve his crown.

"I-I am sorry, truly." I said, feeling guilty about whatever damage the crown had suffered

"Hush, meleth, it is quite alright." Thranduil spoke to me from where he stood, his head tilted upwards

He then began to walk up the stairs to where I stood.

"There..." Thranduil whispered as he placed the crown on my head "I always imagined it would look better on you..."

"And does it?" I questioned curiously

"Absolutely." He cooed, kissing my forehead

My happiness diminished when I recalled my previous actions

"Look, didn't happen to see...?" I stammered, trailing off

"See you try to impersonate me? Yes, I did, meleth." Thranduil replied, chuckling softly as my face dropped

"But do not fret." He quickly added "I am impressed, Y/N......except, your scowl needs a little work. I could teach you, but I am afraid that my scowl would mar your beautiful features."

Rose petals stained my cheeks and I found myself wondering, for the thousandth time, how I ended up with a husband so wonderful.


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