Imagine: Confronting Thranduil

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I eagerly waited at Mirkwood's entrance for the return of my husband and son. Just a few hours prior, I had sent them off to venture throughout the forest, to do whatever they wished, away from the internal chaos of our home. As much as I desired for them to be ​alone, just as father and son, it was imperative that a handful of troops joined them. I cannot wait to see them and relentlessly ask about their doings and if all was well.

As the sound of their steed's hooves reverberating among the pavement of the bridge I stood atop flooded my ears, a smile immediately surfaced against my lips. My arm stretched upwards and my hand waved frantically towards them, welcoming them home from what was hopefully a wonderful rendezvous between only father and son...and troops.

Something was wrong. Legolas looked away from me and Thranduil kept his cerulean eyes forward, his jaw clenched. They both failed to meet my eyes, let alone notice me. I haven't the faintest clue of what has altered their uniform demeanors, but I will find out. I slowly lowered my arm, a much-unanticipated frown claiming my previously smiling lips.

My ecstatic poise has turned to one of fear and inquisition.

As Legolas's tiny frame jumped from his father's elk, with no aid, I ran forth, in an effort to catch him, but he was already upon his two feet, unharmed.

I heaved a sigh of relief and knelt before him,

"Legolas?" I gently asked with sorrow "What is the matter? What troubles you?"

He immediately looked away from me and my heart lurched. I reached out to caress his cheek, but he took off, only allowing my fingertips to graze his frowning flesh.

"Legolas! Legolas!" I called after him, but he refused to stop

Before I could tend to his dilemma, I turned back towards his father, my eyes begging for the meaning of this.


Much like our son, he remained silent. I took a step towards him but fell back onto the cobblestone as he pulled the reins to his elk, causing it to lift it's two front legs in a malicious manner. Ignoring my new placement, Thranduil ushered his ride to turn around and he took off, back into the forest from whence he came.

I was quickly helped up onto my feet by a guard and questioned if I was alright.

I muttered a "yes" and began my search for Legolas.

My leaf's melancholy sobs echoed throughout the corridor and I sighed with pity, my desire to find out what happened dilating.

I soon found Legolas in his bedroom, sobbing atop his bed, his head nestled into his pillows. I quietly approached him and sat next to his trembling body.

"Legolas?" I murmured, placing my hand atop his shuddering back

Legolas quickly turned his head and lept into my arms once he realized that it was I who had intruded.

"Oh, my leaf." I cooed sorrowfully, rubbing his back as he cried on my shoulder "What has happened?"

"A-Ada..." He hiccuped

I sighed internally, hoping the damage my husband had caused was not as drastic as it seemed.

"What has your father done, my little leaf?" I whispered, pressing my lips to his scalp

"I-I nocked my a-arrow, but my foot slipped and I-I struck a b-bird in the tree." He bawled "Then ada grabbed my arm and shouted at me. H-He called me foolish and said that I-I will never be a good archer. It was an accident nana, I swear it!"

I clutched my trembling leaf tighter and wept silently. Thranduil's austerity has never reached such an extremity as this, at least, not towards Legolas.

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