Imagine: Your town getting attacked by orcs...

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Imagine: Your town getting attacked by orcs, resulting in the death of your parents, and Thranduil taking you in

Request for: @Fandom_Fangirl_2001

Author's note: This imagine will be written in more than one point of view:

"Y/N!" Your mother calls, making your feet stop in the midst of frolicking throughout the garden

"Yes, nana?" You call loud enough for her to hear

"Come in for dinner! Get your father as well!"

A smile splits across your lips and you quickly run into the busy cobblestone streets in order to retrieve your father.

"Ada! Ada!" You call as you spot him behind a deluge of fruit and vegetable stocked crates

"Y/N!" He shrieks, lifting you into his arms, over the compacted produce

Before you can tell him your mother's bidding, his fingers tickle your sides, making you giggle with delight

"A-Ada! Stop!" You plead, watching with flushed cheeks as paying customers chuckle at the sight of you two

"Oh, alright..." He sighs "what is it, my dear?"

"Nana said it's time for dinner" You reply, your voice hoarse from laughing so much

"Very well. Let me close up shop and I will be with you both shortly." He says softly as he tucks pieces of your tousled hair behind your pointed ear

"Okay." You reply, jumping down from your father's hip, and running back home to your mother

You walk into your house to see the table fully set and your mother seated, patiently waiting.

"Where is your father, love?" She asks

"He'll be here any moment now, nana" You assure, grinning cheekily


In the middle of your redundant meal of lembas and soup, you overhear your parents speaking about the new edition.

"I hope it's a girl." You wistfully interrupt

"And why is that?" Your father asks with a soft chuckle

"So I can braid her hair and so we can play dress up." You respond, smiling from ear to ear

"And so you can throw oranges at the elderly tailor together..." Your mother adds in an implying and scolding manner, but her smirk proves otherwise

"What?" You ask innocently

"Everybody knows that you like throwing oranges at the tailor!" Your father retorts, laughing blissfully

You sink down into your chair, your cheeks a bright shade of red.

As you watch your parents laugh, their melodic chuckles engrossing you with happiness, a blood-curdling scream sounds from outside.

All three of your smiles diminish and your father shouts something that you cannot understand as he runs to your front door.

Your mother quickly hoists you over her hip, waiting for your father to speak

"Velethuil, what is it?" She asks your father with fear

"Orcs," You hear him mutter with disgust

"No." She gasps, her hands suddenly tightening around you

"N-Nana, ada, w-what are orcs?" You ask with curiosity and fright

"Nothing, my love." Your father quickly says, taking your tiny hands in his

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