Imagine: Legolas reviving Thranduil's memory of you

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Request for: @maxie_rebadulla

"Ada! Ada!" The little elf shouted, rushing into his father's bedroom

"What is it, my little leaf?" Thranduil said amid a yawn, having already been awake from the reverberations of his son's shrieks coming from so far down the corridor

Thranduil pulled himself up and chuckled softly as he watched the little one climb up the side of the mattress as if it were a tree.

"I-I drew a picture for you." Legolas huffed, finally having made it to the thick and tousled velvet comforter that resembled virulent waves of the sea.

"Have you now?" Thranduil questioned with amusement, his brows rising

"Yes!" Legolas proclaimed, seating himself next to his father, holding out the slightly wrinkled piece of paper for him to take a hold of

"It's a drawing of you, me, and nana..." The elfling explained once the parchment was in his father's possession "do you like it?"

"Oh, Legolas" Thranduil cooed, keeping the pain and grief kindling within him stowed away "I love it."

"But, I do not remember your nana having blue hair," Thranduil laughed softly, running his finger over your simply drawn features as if it would rekindle your touch and make him feel something in return

"Eruadan would not give me the yellow ink, ada! I waited and waited, but he still would not hand it to me...I can make a new one if you'd like-"

"No. No, it's perfect, I love it" Thranduil said quickly

Legolas nodded.

"Ada?" He asked suddenly

"Yes, Legolas?"

"I-I know that you told me nana had to sail, but I don't understand why? Did she not want to live with us anymore?"

"No, no, Legolas, of course not. Where on Middle Earth did you get an idea like that?" Thranduil pleaded, placing the now unimportant drawing to the side and carefully pulling his son closer to him

"I don't just came to me." Legolas murmured, feeling ashamed

Sighing, Thranduil lifted Legolas into his lap.

"Your mother loved you more than this realm, more than this entire world, my son. She grew ill, Legolas, and her passing was beyond her control. She pleaded for me to make sure that you would realize she would have given anything to stay longer and see you flourish, Legolas."

Legolas nodded understandingly, but his heart's ache only grew.

"Ada...?" His little voice asked again

"Yes, my leaf?" Thranduil replied as he began to bounce the little one on his lap

"May you tell me about her?"

The Elvenking steadily smiled to himself, delighted that his son wanted to know more about his beloved mother.

"Well," He began, looking up to the ceiling, as if it would give him guidance "your mother's beautiful eyes could ignite a lightless realm and her delicate smile could mend a festering wound. Her lips produced songs that the Valar themselves would be blessed to hear...her soothing and alleviating words made evil something only of ancient tales. Her contagious courteousness and kindness made every wrongdoer reconsider their acts of havoc and hatred. Her love was limitless...she was the polar opposite of me—that is what made us perfect for each other, Legolas. Her beauty was eminent and her mere existence was for the better..."

Legolas slowly met his father's teary gaze, overwhelmed by the copious, poignant details about his naneth.

The ability to keep his feelings stowed away, to brood over later, was quickly fleeting from Legolas's broad skill set. A broken sound erupted in the elfling's chest, slowly spilling from his trembling lips, reaching his father's ears.

The Elvenking could do many things, but consoling one when he was in agony himself was not one of them. At the beginning of his detailed description of his late, beloved wife, his bravado had convinced him that his son would be the only one rendered to tears, not him.

Thranduil had never miscalculated his capacity for emotion so gravely.

His cries and heartwrenching wails dominated his son's and he quickly pulled the little one as close as possible to his chest, keeping one hand on the back of Legolas's head and the other in the midst of his back.

(2nd person)

As the king embraced your shared offspring, your melodic voice rung in their ears

"Do not weep over me, my loves...for I am here and I always will be..."


I hope you liked it

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