Imagine: Legolas being reunited with you in Valinor, after your death

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Request for: @basicallylizzie

"I...I do not understand." Thranduil managed to say, his stupor as a result of Legolas's news making the simple task of speaking difficult

"I have witnessed enough death, ada. My mission was to aid Frodo in destroying the one ring and I have. My mission is complete. Please, all I ask is for your blessing. Leaving without your consent would leave me unhappy and it would not give me the closure I need."

"My son, sailing is not the answer, it is far too rash, if something is troubling you, you can speak to m-"

"No, ada. I am sure of it." Legolas contradicted

"Ada," Legolas began again, gathering his courage as tears stung the blazing irises of his cornea "I will be able to see nana again..."

Thranduil's heart lurched at his son's mention of his wife.

He stumbled backwards and his footing was lost.

Legolas rushed forward and steadied his teetering father.

"Ada, are you well?" Legolas questioned, his words heavy with worry

"Fine.....I'm fine." Thranduil heaved

As Legolas began to declare the postponement of his departure so that he could look over his seemingly ill father, Thranduil quickly spoke over him.

"My son, if this is what your heart truly desires, then you have my blessing. I apologize if I seem to abhor the idea, it is just that I will miss you immeasurably."

After his father's stance was secure, Legolas stepped away, sure he had misheard.

"May your ways be green and golden, ion nîn." Thranduil proclaimed happily, tears slipping over and around his sculpted face, as if only a perilous journey would result in them reaching the points of his jaw, where they would drip onto his clothing or fall freely to the floor

Legolas's mouth moved, but no words were formed and spoken

"Are-Are your sure?" Legolas's vocal chords strummed

"Yes, but be wise, my son, for my mind is wavering and it would be best to have already run from this very room." Thranduil wittily warned

Legolas chuckled softly alongside his father, when he suddenly grew frenzied and worried

"Ada," He began, his features sinking and paling "h-how will I know that it's her?"

Thranduil smiled reassuringly through the surge of nostalgia and heart wrenching memories that flickered before his twinkling eyes

"You will know, Legolas. I swear to you that you will."


Legolas had been keen enough to not mention the fact that he was sailing alongside his most loyal and trustworthy companion, Gimli, knowing his father's complicated relationship with their kind.

It had taken four days and four nights to reach the illustrious lands that housed the tiresome and worn souls in need of enlightenment and renewal.

Legolas indeed felt the need for revival but he wanted to see his mother more.

Gimli took note of his friend's eminent trembling, understanding Legolas's circumstance already and stood by sympathetically


Legolas's pov:

As my feet grazed the foliage of an extensive, ethereal clearing of flowers surrounded by towering trees that filtered glimmering sunlight, the soft buzz of an echo of someone humming grazed my ears.

An insatiable tremble overcame my body and my head whirled towards Gimli, my widened eyes pleading for guidance on what I was to do

He simply kept his stance and nodded to me before saying

"There is only one way to know for sure, lad, go on.....go on!"

I jumped slightly but nodded quickly in agreement, taking a few staggering steps forward.

I weaved through trees and patches of wild flowers, my heart hammering in my chest

"H-Hello?" I called out, realizing that the soft hum that rung in my ears grew greater in decibels

Suddenly, a head full of the most vibrantly shimmering gold tendrils claimed my eye and I found myself whirling about, desperately trying to witness the face that harbored the marigold colored hair

I finally found the celestial being, kneeling before a turquoise stream, the sound of its gentle currents somehow harmonizing along with the stranger's tune.

But I recognized it. My ears have been graced by that song before, I just cannot seem to remember where.

When I was close enough to fully hear and comprehend the words, my surroundings warped into a familiar place

My bedroom as a child.

I gasped disbelievingly, slowly taking in my surroundings.

There I was, aged a mere century, lying still under my green comforter, the same being that housed the marigold fibrils sitting beside me, singing the same song

That song, no, was sung to me every night, by my moth–

"Nana" I heaved towards the projection my mind created

"N-Nana!" I shrieked once the scene from my youth within my bedroom began to fade


3rd person pov:

Legolas's eyes bulged and his heart pounded as he now knew who it was that produced the beautiful berceuse

"Nana!" He wailed, causing the being kneeling before the stream to stop singing, not daring to look up


Your pov:

"L-Legolas?" I said to myself, trying the name among my lips for the first time in ages

"Nana!" The voice called again

"Legolas!" I called in return, certain that my son was here, that I was not imagining it

I looked up, and there, on the other side of the stream stood my Legolas, my leaf

I screamed out his name in pure euphoria and heart wrenching disbelief

Without thinking or comprehension of my current actions, I lept into the water I watched my desolate reflection within and frantically waded to my beloved, my tears rendering me blind

Completing the distance for me, my son met me at the stream's edge, taking my drenched form into his arms before I could pull myself out

Quickly, my quivering fingertips danced among his every feature, wanting to savor in this wonderful dream

"Nana, what task is it that your hands are completing?" The beautiful chortle of my son questioned

"If one wants their dream to harbor the sensation of reality, one must study and retain the physicality of the dream's residents." I bemoaned, afraid that I would be harshly withdrawn from the grown projection of my once adolescent son at any moment

"Nana," He cooed, taking my roaming hands into his "open your eyes, this is not a dream, for I am truly here."

I slowly opened my once blurred eyes and I could only weep out of the joy that the young leaf I had left so long ago had returned to me

"Nana?" The soft wail of my son questioned

"Yes, my leaf?"

"Y-You will not leave me again, will you?"

"No, ion nîn, never. I would endure the wrath of Morgoth if it meant that I could stand here for one more minute with you."

"You can, nana, without the expense of your wellbeing, because here I stand, with you, for eternity."


I hope you liked it

Sorry about this imagine being so bad

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