Imagine: Having a bad day and Thranduil only worsening it...

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Imagine: Having a bad day and Thranduil only worsening it, but he makes it up to you a few days later, PART 2

(I published part 1 awhile ago)

Request for: @cliexa

I sat, slumped against the trunk of a tree within The Woodland Realm's garden, in the midst of reading a tale of a perilous journey to the two elflings that sat at my sides

Just when the protagonist readied to battle their most prominent foe, Thranduil appeared, smiling as he watched my little sister and I, as well as Legolas relish in the sunlight whilst  reading a classic tale that all knew from their childhoods.

I paid no attention to him, not wanting to dull the intensity of the story by getting distracted.

I took note of Legolas and Aramae's improvement in posture, signifying their heightened curiousity and longing to know what forthcomings the story had to offer

I altered my tone several times, causing them to clutch my arms in anticipation.

I had been so distracted with making the story as intriguing as possible for the elflings that I did not notice Thranduil had left.

I continued on, the battle between the hero and the beast becoming unbearably intense that even I gripped the edges of the book, despite having read the folktale several times in my youth.

"As he once again readied his sword..." I began again, my voice wavering dramatically, causing the little ones to grip onto me for dear life

I cleared my throat slowly, preparing to exclaim the monster's abrupt appearance before the hero of the story, which causes him to fall back in fear, resulting in his heart hammering in his chest, but, a very stealthy ellon beat me to the portrayal of the scene.

"The mon—" I barely started, only to be cut off

"THE MONSTER JUMPED OUT FROM THE SHADOWS AND FRIGHTENED THE BOY!" Thranduil bellowed from behind the tree as he wrapped us in his arms, causing the little ones as well as I to shriek in surprise and fear

I managed to break free of his grasp, but the elflings were no match for his undeniable and insurmountable strength as he began to tickle them in endless bouts, resulting in their adorable giggles to fill the air.

I stood a few feet away, the book thankfully not ruined from Thranduil's surprise attack, watching as the little ones pleaded for release as salted tear drops of joy fell from their tightly shut eyes.

As a surge of thankfulness of what my sister and I's life had happily become came to mind, distracting me, I failed to notice as Thranduil and his two newly recruited minions seated atop his broad shoulders charged towards me

I caught sight of them at the last second, before they tackled me to the ground, and I scrambled to take hold of the wooden swords the little ones were battling with before I began to read to them.

I playfully defended myself with the toy weapons, eager to take part in bringing the book I had just set down to life

"Die, foul beast!" I exclaimed, swinging the swords towards the three of them

Catching along, Thranduil allowed me to playfully impail him and he as well as the little ones fell to the earth with several grunts, causing me to giggle and swing my swords in the air triumphantly.

After lying in place for a minute or two, the three of them sprung back to life.

"Come, my little heavens," Thranduil cooed as he took the hands of the elflings and placed a sincere kiss onto my forehead "it is time for lunch."

I allowed them to go ahead, taking a minute to wipe my tears of pure happiness away, beyond grateful that Thranduil had not only taken my little sister and I into his own home, but for also considering and treating us as his own.


I hope you liked it

I tried to keep this one short and sweet😊

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