Imagine: Taking care of Thranduil's duties, as well as him, while he is sick

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Request for: @PortKey_to_Reality

Softly murmuring in my sleep, I flipped over to get closer to Thranduil's warm chest, but my body plunged into nothingness, his spot being empty.

"Thranduil?" I asked tiredly, immediately waking up, my eyes scanning the entirety of the room

Growing worried, I threw my legs over one side of the mattress and started to shuffle to the door. But, I suddenly heard someone coughing from very close.

I turned around, seeing Thranduil on the veranda, hunched over, his hair a mess

"Thranduil!" I exclaimed fearfully, running to his aid

I knelt behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest, lifting with all my might, ignoring the scent of bile that filled my nostrils.

When Thranduil was finally up, he began to slump back to the stone ground, but I quickly grasped his waist, leaning him onto me as I dragged him back to the bed, my feet curving wherever his body swayed.

As I carefully dropped him on to the velvet duvet, I realized that my nightgown was drenched in his sweat.

I pressed my hand to his forehead, immediately recoiling it as it was burning, then quickly turned to put a robe over my revealing slumbering attire so I could call for the healer, but I felt Thranduil's hand curl around my wrist.

"D-Do not leave m-me." He heaved

"My love, I must get help" I whispered in response, pressing a kiss to his burning forehead as tears filled my eyes

"Please." He beseeched

I gave in, slipping under the comforter and hugged his sweltering form.

He immediately succumbed into a peaceful slumber and I quietly left the room.


"How do you not know?" I asked the healer nervously as she pressed a damp cloth to Thranduil's sodden forehead

"There is no way to be sure of what is causing his illness, my lady. My best guess is that it is because of something he has previously consumed."

I sighed, realizing that that would be the best answer I would get

"Will he be alright?"

"Of course. In a few weeks time he–"

"A few weeks?! He-He has obligations!" I wailed

"Correct me if I am wrong, but on the day of your marriage, you vowed to care for your husband as well as his duties if he cannot for any reason–"

"I's just, I don't know exactly what to do."

"Of course you do." The healer encouraged as she stood from the chair she was sitting in "You are the queen after all..."

She bowed and left the room before I could say anything else

I remained where I was, watching Thranduil rest peacefully.

"If only you knew how much I admire your dedication to this realm, my love...but now, it is my turn," I whispered into his ear as I gently pushed the golden hairs away from his sculpted face

I left our bedroom soon after that, mentally readying myself for what was to come.


Three weeks later:

My schedule for the past month has consisted of giving a barely conscious Thranduil his tea and reapplying a cold cloth to his forehead that is ablaze, just before completing his daily tasks.

On this day, I retreated to Thranduil's study after what I believe has been the thousandth meeting this month. With all honesty, I cannot remember the last time I have slept.

I brawled with my sinking eyelids as I sorted through heaps of parchment, looking for any letters that needed a response.

To think that Thranduil does this every day, for the sake of this realm, warms my heart, but also floods it with guilt.

My duties as queen seem like nonsense compared to what Thranduil is to do each and every day.

Not once has he complained. Not even a sigh can be heard from his delicate lips as he goes about his day.

To say that I feel awful is an understatement. I have vowed to myself to help Thranduil with the grueling, demanding load of being king once he heals.

After vigorously shaking my head to eliminate any traces of sleep, I sat up, continuing to move papers around, occasionally dipping the feather beside me in ink to scribble a few notes.

I was brought to a stop when I heard someone knocking softly on the door.

"C-Come in," I said, my voice shockingly hoarse

"Y/ darling, Y/N. Why have you put yourself through Mordor because of my silly illness?" A healthy-looking Thranduil said as he stepped through the doorway

"Thranduil. You-You're all better." I said with as much joy my deprived state would allow

"Do you see yourself?" Thranduil whispered sorrowfully as he knelt before me, placing his hands soundly on my cheeks, which I found my weary self leaning in to

"I-I am fine." I croaked, smiling faintly

"You most certainly are not. You are frail and exhausted, my dearest. Come, you must eat and rest." He said, lifting me with ease

"N-No, I must finish, Thranduil, I must..." I pleaded, beginning to weep softly

"Meleth, why are you weeping?" Thranduil cooed, kissing my tears away

"It is not fair. You-You have to do all of this work every day and I-I do almost nothing. I have left you to face all of this alone." I explained, now sobbing

"Oh, Y/N, your fatigue is leading you to believe things that are exaggerated and untrue. My work is tolerable. The fact that you attended my every meeting, answered every letter from realms that are abroad, and resolved every altercation that has surfaced among my absence touches my heart. You certainly did not have to do all of this, but you did. You have absolutely no idea how much everything you have done means to me, my dearest. I love you more than any–"

If only Thranduil noticed that I had fallen asleep ages ago, preventing me from hearing his kind words.

(2nd person)

Thranduil softly chuckled to himself and carried you off to bed, internally questioning himself about how he had gotten so lucky to have you as a wife.


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