Imagine: Thinking Thranduil loves someone else

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Author's note: I forgot who requested this and I apologize for that, as well as my unintentional hiatus. 

As the princess of a small kingdom in the middle of every prominent elven kingdom in Middle Earth, I have seen my fair share of princes in search of a bride.

Due to the dire state of my kingdom, as well as my coming of age, I know that it is essential that I marry the prince of any kingdom that surrounds us, all of them being much more established than ours.

After the death of my mother, my father broke, as well as the strength of the ties connected to my home, my father's grief impeding his devotion to his home.

I know I have to take matters into my own hands and quickly, not only for his sake, but for my people as well, and I know exactly who is worthy of such cause.


Before retiring to my bedroom, I tiptoed to my father's study, having nervously planned my proposition for a week.

Mustering whatever strength I had, I knocked twice on the towering ebony door.

"Enter" The soft voice of my father answered

"Y/N," He greeted "what brings you here so late?"

I could hear the smile in his voice, slightly comforting me

"I know you have tried to hide the struggles of our kingdom, Ada, but as princess, I am no stranger to what goes on inside our walls. As you know, I have recently come of age, and you know as well as I that the only way to remedy our problems is that I marry-"

"Listen to you." He chuckled softly "You sound just like your mother. You sound like a queen." He mused

I smiled softly, looking down at my hands

"So, you agree that it must be done?"

He sighed, looking into my eyes "It pains me to admit it, but yes, it must. I have not been the very best king to our people since the death of your mother, and you, my daughter, are having to pay for it—" He faltered

"No," I contradicted, rising to my feet "no, ada, this not your fault. It was bound to happen, regardless of your actions. Our kingdom was never strong enough to stand on its own. We have always needed help, more help than usual."

My father nodded, brooding over my words "I would never force you to marry someone you were not in favor of, so who, my dear, has already stolen your heart?"

My cheeks flushed and I began wringing my hands before murmuring "Thranduil Oropherion of Mirkwood"

I paled as I watched my father's face fall.

My heart pounded in fear that he was not in favor of my choice, impeding my speech

"Oh, but, my darling, Thranduil Oropherion is engaged to marry Elbereth of Gondolin."

Once what he said registered, I quickly left his study, fearing he could hear my heart shattering on the way out.


With the amount of tears I had shed that night, one would believe my paternal ties were severed as well.

I was eventually brought to my senses when I realized how much my heartache was hurting my father.

One ellon who I scarcely knew wasn't worth all those tears, was he?


When I believed I had fully put the matter behind me, I discovered that Thranduil was on the list of attendees for a meeting my father had organized in order to strengthen trade among our kingdom with all ones surrounding us.

I made a mental note to take my horse out for a long ride or go into town on the day of the meeting.


The day of the meeting: (evening)

I slowly led my horse back towards the stables, my satchel full of small trinkets I picked up at the market in town

As I approached, I caught sight of someone in the stables and I was too close to make a run for it when I realized that it was Prince Thranduil who stood stroking the mane of my father's horse.

I dejectedly slid down the side of my horse, my heart pounding in my ears

"What brings you out to the stables, Prince Thranduil?" I called out, not daring to approach him

He jumped, startled, before regaining his composure and taking a few steps towards me.

"Actually, I came here in search of you, Princess Y/N." He said amid a bow, in which I quickly returned with a curtsy

The corners of my mouth twitched slightly upwards into a smile, encouraging him to go on

With all honesty, I was not listening to his reminiscent speech, each word of his breaking my heart as I realized this would be my last encounter with him before his marriage to Elbereth.

Which reminded me "Oh, you must forgive me, my prince. I must congratulate you on your engagement to Elbereth of Gondolin. I-I hope you two are very happy together."

I cursed myself for faltering during my congratulatory statement, trying to mask it with my pained, unconvincing smile.

Thranduil caught sight of my shifted aura, his brows furrowing as he parted his lips to speak.

At that moment, the fact that I was loosing him became apparent and a pathetic cry brushed past my lips.

"F-Forgive me." I hiccuped, turning away from him, desperately trying to regain my composure, my trembling hand pressed to my mouth

"But, Y/N, I am not engaged to Elbereth. We broke the engagement off months ago-"

I turned to look at him, my eyes wide and my mouth agape, positively sure I misheard

" that means, you're not getting...m-married?" I strained, my heart swelling and my feet ready to soar in any direction as I yelped for joy

"Yes, that is what a broken engagement signifies" He chuckled, taking in my look of incredulity

The verification of my question sent me to the ground and rather than shouting my bountiful thanks to the Valar who had absolutely nothing to do with my initial predicament, tears of joy fell from my eyes and a broken cry erupted from my lips, and then another and another, until I was a convulsing heap

"I have been beyond reckless this past year. And after meeting you all those years ago, I convinced myself that you felt any friendship for me. I have come here with no expectations, but only to profess that my heart is, and always will be yours, if you'll have me."

I slowly looked up at him, despite my state, my eyes shining with all the love I could muster, before hiccuping

"O-Of course I-I will"

Melting with relief, he knelt before me, asking for my hand in marriage


I hope you liked it

The encounter between the reader and Thranduil is based off of the ending scene between Elinor and Edward in Sense and Sensibility

I apologize if the quality of my writing has deteriorated

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