Imagine: Snow in Mirkwood

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Upon hearing what are most likely your little leaf's footsteps on your bedroom floor, you wait to hear his soft voice asking to sleep throughout the rest of the morning with you.

Your eyes open wide and your body jolts then stiffens once your bed goes up and down vehemently as if someone was lifting your mattress up then releasing it over and over again.

"NANA! ADA! WAKE UP!" Legolas squeals pleadingly

You can hear your husband's groans in defiance from behind you as you yawn tiredly

"What is it, ion nîn?" You ask with slight worry, sitting up to look at him

"LOOK OUTSIDE!" He shrieks with delight

"Go back to bed, Legolas, it far too early for such an immense and abundance of energy" Thranduil grunts, flipping over and pulling the comforter over his bare shoulders and tousled hair

Legolas's face compresses with distaste and he huffs out a breath of air.

"Legolas, go back to bed. Let your father and I rest for a little while longer, then we will do whatever you wish" You plead with fatigue, falling back into your pillow

"NO!" Legolas blares, stomping his foot down, making Thranduil and you rise slightly "Pleeeeeeease" He adds, clasping his tiny hands together

"Fine" You sigh, turning to look at Thranduil whose brow is creased in an attempt to sleep through the clamourous noise your son is producing

You reach over and smooth his crimped features with your fingers, making him open his eyes.

"Let us rise" You request, feeling helpless

An elongated sigh passes his lips and he looks up to see Legolas glaring at him, making you giggle.

Catching you off guard, Thranduil lunges for Legolas in an attempt to catch him and he does.

Legolas screams as he's thrown to the mattress and is tickled violently.

"This is what you get for disturbing my slumber!" Thranduil hollers as he tickles Legolas's sides

"Stop! I'm sorry!" Legolas laughs, tears spilling from his eyes

"That's enough" You giggle, hugging Thranduil's waist

Legolas quickly jumps down from the bed and throws the curtains to one of your window's open

"It cannot be..." You mutter, your eyes widening

"IT'S SNOWING!" Legolas squeals, jumping up and down

"S-Snow? In Mirkwood?" Your beloved whispers to himself

Your eyes meet and you both stare at each other in a trance

As the idea of snow in Mirkwood dawns upon you again, both of you simultaneously jump from your bed and scramble to the window like running to the dining table when you haven't eaten all day.

You gasp as you see the ground and trees completely robbed of their natural color

"M-Maybe the cooks just dumped all of the sugar in Mirkwood outside," Thranduil says plausibly, completely disbelieving

You begin to laugh loudly and wrap your arms around his waist again

"Maybe so.." You tease, resting your head on his shoulder

Upon hearing your conversation, Legolas turns to look at the both of you like you're the stupidest beings in all of Middle Earth

"Tis a joke, ion nîn" You assure, not wanting your son to think he was conceived by imbeciles

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