Imagine: Being in an arranged marriage with Thranduil

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Request for: @CrazyFxngirl-

"What?!" I exclaimed, nearly choking on my dinner

"We thought that you would be happy about this!" My mother wailed, completely caught off guard by my reaction

"Well, I'm not!" I said, slamming my utensils down, on the verge of walking out

"It is not your choice, Y/N, you will marry him." My father intervened

"But-But I don't even know him! This isn't fair!" I cried

"You never know, Y/N, you might love him." My mother said simply

" could-I'm not..why...forget it." I sighed, my shock depriving me of proper linguistics, and I stood to leave

"Get some rest. We're off to Mirkwood at sunrise." My father called after me

I wanted to yell and trash my bedroom

But, I knew better.

I lunged myself on to my bed and wept for hours. It was the only alternative to lashing out and satisfying my rage.

Once I settled a bit, I sat upright and stared at the sky from my window, watching the sun sink behind mountains so far away and I watched, many hours later, as those dreaded mountains shimmered in blazing colors and listened as the breeze carried the bird's song of the morning to my ears. It was as if they were mocking my pain.

My anger and sadness were so vast that I did not have time to physically feel tired. I was awake as ever.

As I reluctantly dressed, I kept my thoughts void, not in the mood to watch my desolate future burn before my eyes.

I had just finished lacing my dress when my mother knocked.

"Are you ready, dear?" She called loudly from the other side

Sighing, I pulled my door open slowly

"Yes, I cannot wait!" I said sarcastically

"Now, now, Y/N, you cannot judge Prince Thranduil or jump to conclusions before you meet him." My mother replied calmly with her hands on her hips

Not in the mood to argue, I trudged past her and outside where I was met with my father and a carriage

"Are you ready, my dear?" He asked, sounding happier than ever

I didn't reply. I hopped into the carriage and crossed my arms, breathing through only my nostrils, afraid that my mouth would go berserk with words if opened.

My mother soon sat beside me, her eyes glowing with joy.

I had finally come to the conclusion that my parents hated me.


An enchanting kingdom Mirkwood was. It was not made of silver and gold, embedded with jewels, instead it was crafted with lumber. Winding lumber that naturally created this alluring realm, shielding its inhabitants.

I noticed Mirkwood's aura before I realized that there were two broad, tall elves standing at the gate we rode towards. My eyes remained glued to the glowing follicles that lay straight and orderly among both of their toned shoulders and backs.

They looked as if they were two of the fourteen Valar. I was completely mesmerized by them.

I continued to stare as my mother and father greeted the celestial beings.

"Y/N..." My mother said suddenly as she turned towards me "aren't you going to greet Prince Thranduil and King Oropher?" 

I was so early into my state of hypnosis that I could not reply, the effects not yet having worn off.

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