Imagine: Thranduil, your father, not approving of the man you love (Part 3)

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Here's a little imagine that I wrote as a part 3 to tag along to the previous one, hopefully making up for my hiatus.

He has been more vigilant and protective as of late, given our little one's impending arrival.

Lately, far into our restless nights, I always feel his hands trail to the life I carry, feeling the slight tremor of excitement and adoration in the tips of his calloused fingers as he speaks to her, the deep echoes of his silken voice never failing to lull my entire being into serenity.

I have long strayed from telling him of the vision I witnessed all those years ago, but, now that we were to be blessed by her arrival any day now, my heart finally deemed it unfair of me to restrain him from knowing that I had already seen the precious life I carried, and that she was more beautiful and pure than starlight.

On this particular night, I was stirred awake by his unintentional shuffling around the front of our home, as he had just returned from his early departure. He was especially late from patrolling that night, as the sun was set to rise in a few hours. I sat up, my heart fluttering at the idea of finally telling him.

When the soft taps and chimes his armor made as he removed it finally settled down, he slipped through the bedroom door with such delicate care as to not startle me awake, making my heart swell

"My love," I called out, Haldir not yet making out my upright form in the dark room

"Y/N?" He whispered in return, confusion lacing his silken voice

I strained, reaching over to light the lantern sitting on our bedside table, my lips pulling into a smile as I now saw him clearly in the streams of golden firelight encasing his statuesque form.

"Y/N, my sweet? Why are you awake at such an hour? Is anything amiss?" My love asked as he sat before me, taking my hands into his cold and calloused ones, eyeing the swell of life carried

"No, no, my love, I must speak to you of something of utmost importance. And my heart has deemed it cannot wait until morning."

Haldir met my eyes slowly and I watched as they pooled with fear

I took my hands out of his, tenderly placing them along the contours of his visage in an effort to comfort him, when I was suddenly overcome with emotion and allowed a tear of mirth to slip from my eye

Haldir did not know this, and gently wrapped his fingers about my wrists, taking my hands from his face and pressing them to his lips

"My dearest, what ails you? I cannot stand to see you so upset—"

"Oh, my love, you mistake my tears for sorrowful laments, but I assure you I am full of bliss and weep out of pure happiness."

Haldir smiled sweetly after breathing a sigh of relief and wiped my tears away delicately, "And what is it that brings you such bliss that it procures your tears that I hate to see, my sweet?"

"I met her" I hiccuped, unable to collect myself

"What?" He sat up, as his brow sunk in confusion

I took his hand in mine and placed it atop the swell of life I carried, keeping my hand over his, as it dwarfed in comparison

"I met her." I said again, meeting his eyes as they looked up to mine, waiting for it to register

His eyes widened with unspeakable emotions as they scanned my face "How? When? I...I don't understand." he begged, the tremor in his voice growing

"Do you remember the day you had come to Greenwood to ask to court me? After my father had written to you of my condition-"

"Yes, of course" Haldir replied, not even taking a moment to think

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