Imagine: Thranduil thinking you have died

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Request for: @AliceStrife2

"Y/N, I forbid you to go," Thranduil stated, leaving no room for me to protest...but I did anyway

"It is my duty as queen to see what is killing our forest, Thranduil." I countered softly

"Not with your condition it isn't. I will go, along with a handful of troops to see what is the cause of this, Y/N. There are orcs and who knows what else lurks near our borders, making it the farthest from safe out there. Your only duty as of now is to remain in these halls, where you and our heir will be safe." He finished gently as he wrapped his arms around me

"Alright," I said, making him believe that I had put the matter behind me

"Thank you." Thranduil said as he sighed with relief "Now, go rest. I know that you have been on your feet all day."

I nodded faintly and began to walk to where he expected to find me when he returned, but instead, I raced as fast as I possibly could to the stables when he was out of my sight.

I somehow managed to mount my horse, but it is a process that I do not wish to repeat while with child, at least not when I am this far along.

Once outside, I had no choice but to usher my horse at a moderate pace. The further I ventured into the forest, the more eerie and desolate it grew, making my heart ache.

"What is festering our beautiful home, hmm?" I whispered to my horse as I ran my fingers through her golden mane

She neighed softly in return, as if to say that she hadn't the faintest clue.

Now in a part of the forest that looked like the polar opposite of the forest miles behind me, I shivered slightly in fear, but I did not let it consume me.

Tugging at the reins once more, I moved further into my dying home. My ears instantly grew alert, listening for anything. A single branch snapped from very close, and my horse began to circle the premises.

"Who's there? Thranduil?" I called out, remaining calm

The horse's heightened senses allowed her to already know what was near, and she went berserk.

"No..." I gasped as she began to teeter between her front and hind legs as if she were unsure of which ones to use

I whispered to her in elvish, trying to calm her, but it only worked in short intervals.

I had no choice but to dismount.

If I didn't, she would throw me dozens of feet from here at any second, shattering my every bone.

I hopped down as carefully I could manage, grabbing the dagger that I had hidden in the saddle during my descent.

I tried to pull her reins towards me, but she took off, leaving me to face what had sent her off to begin with, all alone.

I heard the dried leaves below my still feet rustling and crushing into powder from something approaching.

I quickly moved to hide behind a massive tree, clutching the dagger close, ready to defend myself.

Taking an immense risk, I barely turned from where my back lay pressed to the bark, and peeked my head around the trunk to see what had caused my horse to leave.

Orcs. At least six of them.

I mentally cried out, asking myself how on Middle Earth I could kill six orcs with one dagger, let alone be agile in my condition.

Maybe if I just stay put, they will leave.

Their black speech flooded my ears, and I watched sadly as the trees began to wither and fade before my eyes

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