Imagine: Losing your second child

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Request for: IzaAdamiec1

"Nana?" I heard Legolas whisper as he squeezed between Thranduil's sleeping figure and me

"Yes, my leaf?" I yawned, permanently stripped of my slumber for the day

"Is my little brother or sister here yet?" He asked innocently, peeking at my barely rounded abdomen from under the blanket

"Not yet" I giggled, smoothing his tousled hair down as best as I could

"When?" He whined

"Not for a while, my love" I replied, surely shattering his heart

I quickly pulled him into my arms once his desolate frown surfaced.

"Do not worry, ion nîn, they will be here sooner than you think" I assured, kissing the top of his head

"Okay..." He sighed, thinking on the contrary

As soon as my lips parted to console him further, an agonizing pain rippled across my body, making me gasp sharply, but luckily, the pain left as soon as it came.

"Nana!" Legolas yelped, sitting up

"No,'s nothing." I heaved, still in the process of catching my breath

"Ada!" Legolas sobbed, not believing a word I said "W-Wake up"

Thranduil's slumbering body rose in an instant and he sat up, his eyes looking for Legolas. 

"Legolas!" Thranduil said fearfully, cupping our son's drenched cheeks

"N-Nana..." Legolas hiccuped sorrowfully, making Thranduil's frenzied guise look to me

"Y/N?" Thranduil gasped incredulously, pulling me into his lap, pressing his hands to my cheeks 

"It is nothing, really..." I assured, turning my head away from his hands

"It most certainly is not 'nothing' if it has brought our son to tears" Thranduil scolded "Legolas..." He began, turning to our now sniffing son "what happened?"

"I-I don't know...nana was in pain" Legolas explained, still crying

Without hesitation, Thranduil looked to my abdomen and his face paled.

"I must take you to the healer" He stated, his voice trembling with fear

Before I could contradict for a second time, Thranduil's arms were under my knees and we were halfway down the corridor.

I saw the shining of tears in his eyes as he ran and my heart began to hurt. I have never seen him cry before. Had I worried him that drastically?

Tears stung my own eyes as I looked upon him.

I was in a daze when set upon the bed in the healer's quarters, and as Thranduil and the healer conversed, I could only make out certain words or fragments of them.

I was stripped of my befuddled state when the healer placed her cold hands over my abdomen and began to speak to me.

"What happened, my lady?" She questioned gently

"I felt a pain equivalent to a blade piercing me...but it was gone as soon as it came" I responded truthfully

She murmured something and turned towards a wooden cupboard

"What is the cause of this?" Thranduil asked the healer as she seemed to be constructing an antidote.

"I am not sure, my lord. All I can do is help with the pain." She explained 

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