Imagine: Taking care of Thranduil while he is sick...

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Imagine: Taking care of Thranduil while he is sick, resulting in you getting sick

Request for:  @ShdaowCat5 and @ismini_tsoulou

"Arise, my love, I beg of you..." I moaned as tears fell liberally from my clouded eyes "For two months you've been fading. I need you now more than ever. Your heart and soul are more immaculate than any elf's, therefore I do not uderstand how the venom of an accursed spider could be your downfall. You can fight this, my love, I swear it."

Thranduil had been with a small portion of his guard on patrol when they were ambushed by a swarm of spiders. They fended them off fine, only, Thranduil's arm had been scratched by one of the putrid, hairy limbs of his opponent when aiding to the injured, embedding the deleterious venom into his blood.

Three knocks on our bedroom door signaled the commencement of my beloved's meeting. With haste, despite my convulsing stature, I opened the door, ignoring the young messenger's pleas for me to sit this one out and his very obvious description of my horrid countenance caused by exhaustion and lack of sustenance.

"My lady, you look unwell." Quickly became the first thing every being said upon greeting me


I shuffled down the hall, back to Thranduil's study where I would finish sorting through the mess of maps, letters, and other private credentials.

Seconds after my frail fingers grazed an unkempt stack of documents in dire need of revision, my sight abruptly grew blurred and my feet had begun to sway. When I thought my eyesight had been restored and my feet could once again handle the simple task of walking, I suddenly could not feel anything and I collapsed, my body a heap of exhaustion on the ground of Thranduil's study.


Mutterings of repeated professions of requited love stirred me awake.

I immediately felt my cold hand clasped between two warmer ones

"Thranduil?" I rasped, attempting to sit up

"No," He said, his hands moving to my shoulders as he pushed me back down "do not strain yourself."

"You-You're all better." I said, smiling to myself as I lazily shut my eyes for a moment

Thranduil smiled down at me and moved so he was on the bed, leaning over so he hovered just above me, his guise suddenly turning somber.

With worry, I reached upwards and cupped his cheek, in which he leaned towards and kissed my palm.

"I...I found you unconscious in my study. I thought I was going to lose you."

A few escaped tears peppered his cheeks, as well as my hand

"I thought I was going to lose you." I reverberated "You were taken prisoner to the venom in your blood for two months, Thranduil. And yet, I've only been out for a few hours, I presume."

"Three months, Y/N." He corrected sadly

"What?!" I gasped incredulously, trying to sit up again

Thranduil quickly hushed me and tenderly took my hands in his as he shuffled closer to me

"Hush, my starlight. I did not mean to startle you were malnourished and overworked. I have not left your side since I found you. I prayed and prayed for you to come back to me, for you to awake, for you to heal." Thranduil's hands now encased my cheeks, his thumbs caressing them

"Forgive me. I did not know it would come to this. I just wanted you to wake up knowing that everything had been taken care of and that there would be no load of missed work and meetings to become a burden." I pleaded, my voice hoarse

"You're forgiven, Y/N. But, if I should befall any circumstance that has rendered myself bedridden again, you must swear you will not interfere with my tasks that can surely wait."

"I do not think I can make that promise." I teased, a faint smile pulling at the corners of my mouth

"If you should fail to make me this promise, you will be punished." He scolded, successful in hiding his smirk

"That still doesn't change my mind." I giggled, crossing my arms

"Very well. You are incredibly lucky that you will not be punished now because you are still so weak, but I promise you, it's coming." He alluded, leaving the bed and making his way to our bedroom door

As I watched his body pass completely through the doorway, I shut my eyes in an attempt to sleep.

Just when I thought I was seconds from dozing off, the door was thrown open with a loud bang and I jumped, my heart pounding in my ears.

Seconds later, Thranduil charged towards me at a speed I could not comprehend and he jumped onto the bed, straddling me as his fingers danced rapidly along the sides of my abdomen, making me scream in surprise.

"No! Thranduil, stop!" I cried out in maniacal laughter

He took it upon himself that I was not suffering enough and began to place rapid, hot kisses along the base of my neck and behind my ears, making me squirm and holler unceasingly.

Thinking I would not notice, elves gathered at our door, giggling behind their hands placed over their mouths

Hopefully Thranduil and I's laughter signified them that their king and queen were restored to good health.


I hope you liked it

I'm incredibly sorry for how long I've taken to write this imagine for you guys:

@ShdaowCat5 @ismini_tsoulou

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