Vengeance is never the answer

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Thranduil's pov:

As I looked over the idle shoulder of the sleeping woman I had previously struck, I felt my eyes burn with tears of regret and guilt

The once porcelain skin that lay seamlessly atop her cheekbone was now stained with a hideous streak of blue and purple.

Words cannot express how much I loathe to see those colors to this day.

Never again will my shoulders proudly carry any robe or kaftan stained the colors my swinging hand of misplaced anger has conjured.

Never again will the stone pillars in my home be adorned with ribbons those hideous hues.

No petal in the flowers of her garden shall ever bloom with azure or violet value, and if they should, I shall heartlessly rip them from the earth and hurl them out of my sight.

No resident in my home will ever be permitted to wear the colors of injured flesh....their unwelcome articles will be donated to the poor

I can already hear my pupils scrambling the halls to confiscate the clothes containing the colors as a result of my recent order

With my vision now blurred, I shut my eyes and carefully caressed the temporary bruise that would forever haunt my soul with my trembling lips.

"If only I could tell you how sorry I am, my starlight." I wailed, my voice–if it could be physically represented–a lonesome flame flickering on and off in the midst of an unyielding storm

Her sobs had carried her into a peaceful sleep, meaning that she could not hear me, not that she would want to.

My already shattered heart decimated to powder and left me in a silent gasp as I saw that not only hers, but also my pillow was completely soaked with salted droplets of pure agony.

My shoulders transitioned to shake vehemently and one after another, broken, incomprehensible noises broke free of my chest.

I left the bed quickly, my blood boiling, and noisily threw open my closet, ready to shred the robes and kaftans that would forever mock the hand that was still stinging 

I grabbed my indigo robe first and tore it into shreds as cries of rage and sadness shook the room my victim also inhabited.

I wanted her to hear my crazed wails. I wanted her to hear my pathetic hollers. I wanted her to know the amount of guilt I was feeling, to know how sorry I truly was.

An amethyst kaftan and cobalt robe were next to go.

When the majority of my wardrobe looked as if it were ransacked by a pack of wargs, I heaved a sigh of only slight satisfaction

In the blur of colored garments being strewn around me, my right hand had been concealed, but now, as I was faced with the limb that had committed the heinous act, I had begun to descend it towards the stone wall, where I would be condemned for my action

When my fist was centimeters from facing permanent damage, a set of arms circled my torso and a soft voice pleaded for my rash and foolish actions to be terminated

"Stop this, I beg of you." She wept, her face pressed into my back

I slowly turned.

 I had not meant to cause her more pain.

"I was screaming at the top of my lungs for you to stop." She proceeded to say, burying her scarred faced far into my shoulder and holding onto me tighter

"I-I hurt you. It would only be fair." I murmured, finally finding my voice, all the while I squeezed her in a hug that I did not deserve to give

"I was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time, Thranduil. It did not have to come to this...I-I was so scared I lost you. You looked right into my eyes but you did not see me, you had adopted a new soul for the few minutes you did all...this." She said, gesturing to my soiled clothing

"Why?" We asked each other at the same time

"Why are you acting as if nothing happened? As if I am innocent?" I explained first

"Because I have forgiven you. It is already in the past. Why are you punishing yourself to this extent? Destroying almost all of your wardrobe and putting the usage of your hand in jeopardy?" She asked in return

"Never again will I look upon the colors that I have inflicted upon your features." I croaked, looking to the wall where I would not see the scar I was describing

I heard her gasp as she examined the clothes pooled at our feet more carefully

"Oh, Thranduil," She cried, placing a hand onto my cheek "look at me."

"I cannot. Please, do not make me. I have no desire to once again look upon the pain I have caused you, it hurts too much." I was begging, my cries resuming

"Then do not look at it, look at me."

Slowly, I turned my head, avoiding the blemish that caused all of this, and I looked solely into her beautiful eyes

"Hit me."

"Wh-What?" She sputtered, pulling away


"I will not!"

"I beg you. Only then will all of this be slightly more tolerable." I proceeded to say pleadingly, once again wrapping my arms around her waist

"Infliction of pain in return for enduring pain is no tenet I will commit in my home!" She gasped, taking me by alarm "Is that something you wish for our children in the future to be taught?" She sighed, her voice softening

"No," I croaked "Of course not."

"Your heart is kinder and purer than any and all else's. I do not deserve your forgiveness, but, I swear on my life that I will never lay a finger on you again and you will never shed another tear because of the fool standing before you."

"Vengeance is never the answer." She whispered to me, just before claiming my lips, sealing our newly found virtue for eternity


I hope you liked it

I know I'm a little late, but happy 4th of july!!!

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