Imagine: Befriending Thranduil when you are very young...

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Imagine: Befriending Thranduil when you are very young at The Feast of Starlight, then getting separated for hundreds of years, but getting reunited when you're all grown up

Request for: Thranki

You step into the beyond eventful corridor, clutching onto your father's hand. As he towers over you, you can sense him watching you vigilantly. You look up at him and smile, only to see that he beat you to it, smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you excited, darling?" He asks

You nod vigorously.

"Then why are you trembling?" He laughs, lifting you into his arms-making you shriek

"I don't know" You shrug while wrapping your short arms around his neck "I'm just a little nervous" You admit, watching the several other elleths and ellons who appear to be the same age as you chase each other up and down the hall, occasionally disappearing into a different hallway

"Don't be nervous" Your father coos, pecking your rosy cheek with a kiss "Look at all the other elves that you can play with and hopefully befriend" He suggests

You make an uneasy face.

"Be happy, Y/N! Tonight is the Feast of Starlight!" Your father cheers, shaking you slightly

"Okay" You sigh, feeling your previous excitement start to slowly diminish

"You'll have a good time, I promise" Your father finally says

You nod. "C-Can I stay with you ada?" You ask shyly, starting to get overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar faces surrounding you

"Of course," You father says with so much love, it makes you smile

He sets you back down onto your feet, takes your tiny hand in his massive one, and you both make your way to the main dining area where all the older, noble elves are residing.

You find a seat beside your father at the neverending table and rock your feet back and forth as they dangle from the plank of wood supporting you. You tune out all of the boring adult talk that your father seems to be immersed in along with the others.

Being the youngest one there and the only one not moving their mouth, you feel secluded and lonely, but you also feel a sense of pride, thinking you are the least vulnerable one there because you didn't get dragged into their talk that everyone was engulfed in-except you of course.

In your state, the simplest, most boring things seem to fascinate you to no small measure, like when your father takes a sip of his wine and after he sets the glass back down onto the table, the red liquid teeters back and forth, swishing up and down the sides of the glass until freezing into a perfectly flat surface, waiting to be disturbed again.

You snap out of it when you hear music begin to be played. You turn and see a small group of elves pluck and tap on the most beautiful instruments you've ever seen. Several elves immediately surround them. Completely mesmerized by the sound they're creating, you hop down from your seat and swiftly step before them.

Feeling like nothing and no one can take your attention away from the skilled musicians, you are soon proven wrong. Out of the corner of your eye, you see an ellon who seems to be the same age as you, with platinum blonde hair wearily shuffle past the loud, chaotic room you reside in.

You furrow your brows in confusion, wondering why he looks so glum when everyone else around him is happy-You quickly discard that last thought because you realize how much of a hypocrite you sound like because you're not happy or having a good time either.

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