00 - Prologue - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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 Setting the phone down. I took a deep breath and had to sit down. Processing what my father and Maddox had said over the phone moments ago. I knew he was bound to call back any time here shortly. I had been the one to hang up on him when he spoke the words I never wanted to hear.

Caleb was dead.

My normally steady hands shook with the emotions that ran freely through me. I wasn't done here. I had some of my things packed, but at this rate I was ready to shove it all out on the lawn, light a match and walk away. I needed to go home to my father.

The light knocked on the door and the sound of the handle being turned. I looked up. My mother stood in the doorway, sadness on her features. Standing up, I crossed my arms, giving my mother my full attention.

"Sio, Your father called, and he filled me in, I'm so sorry."

"I need to go home, to my father. I need to make sure Caleb is sent off well."

"What about your stuff?"

"Burn it, give it away, find something to do with it. I'll even pay for it. But I'm going home, the soonest flight."

"Sio, please think about this for a little before you just—--"

"I don't need to think about it. I shouldn't have even been here. A box of childhood collectibles and a few photos were what I came for. My spare suitcase has the most important things in it. I need to go home."

"Alessio, please! You need to think about this."

"I have, and I need to go home."


"I'm done talking about it. I'm going home."

She was mad, and it was easy to see why. She wanted me to stay here, even though I couldn't. I had to go back home. I had a life and a job there. Then there was the matter of Caleb.

She sighed and left my room. Not wanting to fight anymore about it. I really hadn't processed the feelings of loss and shock. But I would once I allowed myself to think about it.

Checking for the next flight back. I purchased it without so much as a second thought. I knew that I should have told my father. But it was Alexi that I texted first to make him aware. Not my father.

I got nothing back from Alexi, but that was understandable with the time difference and all. Sitting down on the bed,while it was early morning here, it was even earlier there. I felt bad that Maddox and my father had called so late.

The confirmation of the flight was emailed to me a short time later, with the date and time being today at nine p.m. I teared up at the email before me. This was not supposed to be how things went. I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye because we had been fighting. If I had known this was how it was going to be, I wouldn't have left, and if I still had to leave, I would have given him a proper goodbye. It was too late for that now.

My chest was heavy, and I knew there were going to be more tears to come. The worst of it would be when I saw him face to face. I wasn't crying too much right now because I was still in shock.

I wouldn't have said any of the words I did before I left if I had known that would be the last time to hear his voice and see him alive. I told him how disappointed and annoyed with his behavior. I told him I was too disgusted to look at him. But I never got to tell him how much I cared about him. How despite it all, his smile was inviting and his hugs were comforting and how much I needed him.

Looking around at everything I had been slowly packing, it was all worthless to me now. Nothing more than stuff I wouldn't bring back. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I swallowed my tears. I had experienced loss before, but not like this. This was closer than that of grandfather.

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