60 - Chapter Sixty - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Sitting in the court's parking lot, seeing Lev in a suit, hammered it all home that we were actually going to do this. We were going to get married in a courtroom. Lev's documents that he had were taken to Sasha's apartment for safety, but the thing was they were hand delivered to Lev. Not by the post or a delivery person, they were hand delivered by a man in a suit and he made Lev sign something. I was in the car when he went and got the papers. To me it screamed government, but I didn't question it in the slightest. I knew his background, so there was no reason.

"Are you having regrets, Alessio?" Lev asked.

"No. Never."

"Why do you look so worried, then?"

"What if dad doesn't show up? What if—-"

"Shh, They will be here. We are early, Sweetheart."

He pressed his lips to mine.

"You won't regret this, will you, Lev?"

"Regret, hm, that's not even a word I group alongside you."

"You know your way with words." I muttered, before giving him a quick kiss.

Ten minutes later. Lukas and my dad arrived. But he looked guilty, and I had to ask him why.

"Alexi and Creed, they are coming too."

"What?" I said, stunned.

"Alexi is a little annoyed with you. He said he will force himself into the courtroom if he must, but he will be there."

"Right." I said, and looked at Lev, who just struggled, a little smile on his lips.

"You did this." I said, accusing him.

"I only merely told Creed we were tying up some ends before tomorrow's events." Lev smiled.

"They ambushed Lukas and I, leaving the complex because of you." My dad hissed, glaring at Lev.

We waited for a few more minutes until they also arrived. Alexi pulled me aside as we walked inside and he spoke low.

"You could have told me this was your intention. I should have known after I saw the will and everything that went to—-"

"This was a last-minute idea. Trust me, the will come before all of this. When I wrote it up, there was no idea of a courtroom marriage. This will make sure they take him seriously in my will if I die. Above all, though, I want this. Even if there wasn't a price on my head, I would still choose this."

"And Lev said he would never want a Mihail."

"There's a difference. I'm his Mihail." I chuckled.

Creed was chatting with Lukas, my dad and Lev. Alexi struggled.

"Maybe I'll follow your lead and take the plunge." Alexi said, before he fixed my suit and looked over me.

"I think you should ask Creed for his option on the matter. Maybe he wants the works." I said.

"Maybe. Have you thought about whether you will keep your last name or take Lev's?"

"Lev said he would handle the whole thing and I trust him."

Lev came over and took my hand. He smiled at me, and it made my chest tighten. Lev slipped a small back box in my pocket as we went inside and I didn't question it. It was probably the ring for him.

When we got inside the courtroom, Lev spoke to the civil servant, handled all the paperwork. The bundle that Lev handed the person was quickly looked over, and I wasn't asked for a single piece of ID or anything. Neither was he. This smelled like he cashed in on a few favours to make this happen.

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