50 - Chapter Fifty - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev and the boat were gone when I woke up, but I assumed it had to do with the suits that I had to be fitted for. I wandered the house, looking around for things to take up my time while I waited for him to come back. I settled on pacing the house for a while with my hands in my pockets. It was surprisingly relaxing to me to pace like this. I paced into the kitchen and made two slices of toast, buttering them and putting a spoonful of salsa on each slice. I spread the salsa across the toast and took one slice with me after putting everything away.

I ate the first slice while still pacing and the second one while staring out the large window. Oddly enough, my mind seemed to wander to other places. I found myself thinking about my mom. Finishing my toast, I walked to the bedroom and got my phone. I didn't even check the time. I just called my mom. I wanted to hear her voice.

She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, Sio."


"What's up?"

"I wanted to hear your voice. Oddly enough."

"It's been a bit since we have talked, so I can understand it."

"Yeah, isn't that the truth? When this is all over, oddly, I think I want a large family dinner."

"When this is over, if that's what you want, Sio then count your brothers and I in, Always."

"Thanks. If I can make it happen, I'll send you the information."

"Sounds good. Anyhow, how are things on your end?"

"With? Give me some context, Ma."


"Oh! You want to know what is going on with Lev and me?"

"Of course I do Alessio, I am your mother and I'm noisy like the rest of them."

"I'm surprised my dad doesn't tell you."

"Oh, Don't think he doesn't discuss things with me about you. He does, but not about your relation with Lev and I've tried to find out things, but he is closed lipped about that."

"How often do you two talk about me?" I sighed..

"Once a week or so. He keeps me up to date on everything."

"It's weird."

"I don't see how Alessio, we share you. And his lover knows."

"Lukas. His name is Lukas."

"Right! That's what his name was."

"He's really good for dad."

"Yes, your dad seems really happy. I'm glad for him."

There was nothing in her voice that suggested otherwise, and that made me feel pretty good. So I opened up about Lev and our current arrangement. She didn't interrupt and listened right until I was done.

"Hmm. I can't say I'm pleased about it all, but you're an adult and who you choose to love and have a life with is your choice. I just want you to be happy Sio, you deserve it."

"Lev makes me happy. And the thing is now, it's got to the point where I don't think I would want to breathe if he wasn't here. I know how bad that sounds now, trust me. But I'm realizing how much I treasure and probably love this man. A future without him is a painful future I don't want."

"Alessio, It seems you really have your mind made up about who you want to include in your inner circle."

"Yeah, I have."

"Alessio, I'm proud of you."

"I'm just doing my duty to the family."

"This isn't about the family, it's about everything and more."

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