07 - Chapter Seven - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lunch and dinner with Lev were ok. But here I was laying in the office bed unable to actually sleep. I could hear Lev sleeping. The man snored ever so lightly. So it wasn't like that was the reason I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what the reason was. Tossing back the blankets, I knew letting Lev out tomorrow was risky. He could take a turn for the worst and it might be too late to get him back to the medic wing. His wound was deep, but also nothing he probably hadn't dealt with before, hell the man had only taken a bullet to the gut a handful of weeks ago and ran away after that. So this was nothing.

The fact that this was a super clean knife wound played a major role in his healing.

Technically, Lev should be able to get up and walk around a bit. Though, it wouldn't be a comfortable thing.

Leaving the office, I peeked through the closed curtain at Lev. He was sound asleep and looked pretty comfortable. I was jealous of him for being able to sleep. I doubted he was going to wake up anytime shortly, so that gave me plenty of time to work off what was keeping me awake.

The tank top and sweatpants were perfect for working out. I could stop by and grab clothing from Caleb's before heading back here and showering and sleeping.

The workout room was bound to be empty at this time. Alexi gave me the pass to use the same room as him, my dad, and the rest of them. Not worried about my shoes, I just grabbed my phone and headed down the hall. The door popped open when I held my phone up to it.

The treadmill, bike and all that stuff were top of the line and definitely great, but the boxing stuff was where I was headed. When I had the time before I left, I was keeping in shape using it.

Taping up my hands, I took the time to make sure I did this right. I had to work with my hands, so this extra care was important. The first punch was a sobering reminder of how long it has been since the last time I took time for this.

By the fourth or fifth hit, I was pretty comfortable again. But it didn't seem to help, If anything, this was making it worse. I groaned deeply in annoyance and left the gym. It didn't take long for me to get back to the medic wing. I wasn't sweaty, so I didn't bother grabbing new clothing.

Stepping inside the medic wing, the door was open and light was on inside the showers. I could hear the shower running. If it was Lev, his bandages were waterproof, but why now?

He was probably going to sneak away again.

When he stepped out of the showers, he had a pair of sweatpants on. I didn't give him those, and by his size, there were only a few people who could lend him pants. Creed was one of those people. He was dabbing the area around the bandage when I finally cleared my throat.

He looked up and sighed.

"Of all the times."

"You were going to sneak off again."

"You're not wrong."

"Then fucking go then. Don't bother lingering. Let me go get your shit."

"Alessio.. I think—"

I grabbed his things and shoved them in his arms, and he looked conflicted.

"You're wrong about this. I was going to sneak off out of the medic wing, but not out of the complex. We had a deal."


I stood there awkwardly. He set his things down and continued to dry his torso off. I didn't really look the man over before, but it was hard not to now.

"Where did you go?"

"The gym." I showed him my hands, still covered in the tape.

I wasn't looking forward to removing all the tape.

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