17 - Chapter Seventeen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Waking up, Lev had tucked right around me and it was comfortable. I didn't mind the fact he was tucked around me, either. I just kept thinking about my brother and hoping he was still behaving. My dad surely would call if something was up and I hadn't got that call, so I was sure I didn't have to worry. Checking my watch, Lev and I had slept in. It was around noon. I had missed my entire morning shift in the medic wing, and had no missed calls, rather a couple of texts. A couple from my dad and one from Maddox. It was the one from Maddox that I was more worried about. I checked it first. Reading over the message a few times to make sure I was understanding it right, I woke up Lev and even had him read the message.

"That says that I can have the day off and not to panic when I wake up late. Right?" I asked.

"That's what it says, or at least what I'm reading."

"I need to go. My job isn't getting done when I'm laying in bed already late."

"Maddox said you have the day off. Just relax. You need it."

"I need to go to work."

"No, You have the day off. You're going to take it."

Lev tossed one of his legs over me and much more. He had me pinned down to the bed and even with the temperature lower in the bedroom, Lev was still just as warm as ever. I dropped my phone beside me, before speaking.

"Lev, I need to go to—ugh, you're so heavy."

"Yes, I weigh twice as much as you, Alessio."

"Yeah, and it's all muscles. I can feel it." I lightly pressed my fingers against his chest, confirming what I had said.

"Are you feeling me up?"

"What! No—Yes?"

"Well, what is it, yes or no?"

"Why are you asking me that? You know I didn't do that on purpose!"

"Do I?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, and he smiled.

"Relax Alessio, I'm only teasing. Playful banter."

"Oh. Playful banter, huh?"

"Yes, Healthy playful banter."

I let out a sigh before relaxing under his leg. He made it pretty clear that I would not be allowed to work on my day off. Oh well. I was on call if I was needed. I rarely ever left the complex, so I wasn't worried.

"Maybe I should check on my brother. I want to make sure he has caused no issues with my dad or Lukas."

"I'm sure if something was wrong, you would be the first to know."

"I still just want to check."

"Understandable. Give Lukas or your dad a call."

"That seems like the best option."

I reached beside me, grabbing my phone. Lev was still using his weight to pin me down.

"Hey Lev, want to let me up so that I can call Lukas? If anyone will tell me the full, complete truth, it will be him."


Lev moved his leg off me just enough so that I could sit up, but he pinned just my legs down again. I scrolled through my phone and found Lukas' contact and hit call. I listened to it ring twice before it was picked up.

"Hello Alessio. I wondered when you would call."

"Afternoon, we slept in. I was wondering about Matteo."

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