22 - Chapter Twenty - Two - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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They showed us inside, and the man introduced himself finally. Rocco. He didn't give me a backstory, but his name screamed Italian descent. The inside of the house was messy, but not like I figured it would be. Lev was on his phone the whole time I talked business with Rocco. He seemed like a fairly decent guy, but definitely didn't have the skills to be looking after the house. He would need to be replaced with a stronger leader.

"Rocco, Apply some ice to that spot where I nailed you and watch for swelling or other adverse reactions."

"What? Why?"

"Internal bleeding and other issues."


"Trust me, I'm a doctor."

"You're a mafia boss, but also a doctor?" He said, confused.

"Actually yeah. I am. I know it's odd. Trust me."

"So let me circle back to what you just told us. You intend to move the entire Concetta family here to make our primary base on the shared property of the Vincent family."

"Yes, I do believe that's what I said, just in far fewer words."

"You have my full support, but I do wonder how my higher ups and those under you will take the news. Not just they are moving, but they are to share the property with the Vincent Family."

"Those who refuse to act peacefully can find employment elsewhere, and those who cannot make the move can choose to work in Italy still, but the primary house will be moving. That's the long and the short of it."

"At least you are being fair about it."

"I thought so."

"Alessio, we should head out if you intend to get any sleep at all."

"Right. Rocco, we will be in touch."

I left him with my cellphone number with him and Lev all but pulled me out of the house. I barely had my door closed when his cool, calm behaviour changed.

"Alessio, what you did tonight was reckless and not acceptable. Give me your keys. I'm driving us back home."

I passed him the keys and got out of the driver's seat. Lev waited for me to get into the passenger seat and close the door before he got in. He didn't even wait for me to get my seat belt on before he started the car and peeled out of the driveway. I said not a single word the entire ride, and at some point I passed out, only waking up again when we came to a stop. Looking around, we were back in town. Not too much longer from home, but the sun was coming up. He still didn't speak to me until we got parked in the complex again.

"Get out."

"Or what Lev?"

"You would do well to listen to me, Alessio."

I followed him inside and stopped in the foyer, not taking another step. Lev grabbed my upper arm and yanked me down the hall. Jackson and Cade both watched, and it surprised me they were awake. The fact they ignored this bothered me. I dug my heels into the floor of the hallway and yanked my arm out of his grip.


I turned on my heel and made it back to the foyer. Lev was hot on my heels and he was no less than livid.

"Alessio, goddamn it, stop. I don't have nearly enough sleep to do this with you right now."

"Then don't." I snapped.

Lev suddenly removed his phone, gun and wallet from his pocket, setting them on the table.

"I will give you the count of ten. Then after that, I'll use force to move you."

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