04 - Chapter Four - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Maddox made himself known when he entered the room. Jeans and a t-shirt on his figure, not his usual suit and tie. It was weird for me to see him that way. But I also understood why he wasn't wearing a suit. We were doing right by Caleb today.

“I had some of the guys build a place where we could bring him and rest him, so we could send him off properly, the way he wanted. I don't know if you want this to be private or public. That's your choice. He was your beloved.”

“Anyone who loved him, served him and stood by him for even a moment should be allowed to pay their respects.”

“I will send out a notice then, before we begin. I just wanted to come make sure you were ok with having a couple of the henchmen take him away now.”

Touching his check one last time, I zipped up the bag and nodded at Maddox. Cementing it further by speaking.

“Yes, they may take him now.”

“Alright. I'll let you know when we are ready.”


I left the freezer to go back to the office. I needed to check on all the people Caleb had been looking after, or treating while I was gone to get a clue about the shoes I was filling now. I knew they were deep shoes, but I had been around here now long enough to know how things were done. I just needed to get caught up, that was all.

Flicking through everything on the laptop. The man's skills for not properly documenting his work killed me. He put just enough to understand the premise of what he had done medically, but not enough for a detailed overview. I was just lucky I knew his notes and how he wrote them, so I wasn't so in the dark about it. But it still filled him with sadness.

In a little time, it would be like Caleb had never even been here, and that was terrifying. Knowing a future without Caleb was painful now, and I was sure it would get no better for me as time moved on. Maybe the pain I felt was payback for taking our time for granted.

It made me sick.

Wiping my tears away, I swallowed the lump in my throat. Pulling out my phone, my lock screen smiled back at me. Caleb, laying on the couch, the happiest smile I had seen on his face the entire time. He looked happy and healthy, but he wasn't. But I had been too ignorant to notice his illness.

Caleb had treated a few people in the time I was gone. Some stitches, some pain meds, some other wounds, all the normal things. I was going to have to follow up with all these people, but first I really needed to check on Sasha’s hand. I had put it off longer than it needed to be.

I knew better than to call Sasha about it. I called Ryer. He answered almost right away, and he asked how I was. I ignored the question, asking him to bring Sasha down so that I could look over his hand quickly. Ryer said he was on his way before hanging up on me.

As it was, Maddox was referring all members to the local hospital while all this was going on and that was depressing to me. I was supposed to be the one to help all those people. Instead, I was helping no one, not even myself.

The door opened. I heard it, and I didn't have to guess who was coming. The bitching alone told me Ryer had brought Sasha like he said he would. Sasha had shaken off my comment in the car when he got me about checking out his hand before. Now, he didn't have the option.

Ryer smiled softly at me when I stepped out of the office, into the medic wing.

“Come this way, I'll have a look at that hand and you can tell me how your back is doing.”


Sasha walked into the room first, Ryer following, then me. There were gloves and everything on the wall inside the room. Sasha sat up on the small bed, rolling up his sleeve. He had some bruises I could see as I slipped gloves on my hands.

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