11 - Chapter Eleven - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev moved away from me as I felt him wake up. I moved against him again, not wanting to lose the heat he was giving me. I felt him sigh, and try to move my arm off his upper chest.

"Alessio, you're going to be late for work."

"Shh. Don't care."

"At least let me get up and use the bathroom, then."


He got out of the bed and I rolled into his warm spot. I understood that this might give the wrong idea. But his heat and comfort were what I wanted from him. His scent was all over this side of the bed and it was weird for me. I didn't know if I liked it.

Lev came out of the bathroom. He stopped when he saw me in 'his' spot. I rolled back so he could get in the bed.

He moved into the bed slowly. Before he whispered.

"The glue is holding great. It doesn't feel as tight as before."

"Good. Glad to hear that." I mumbled.

"You should get up if you intend to go to work today."

"Nope. I only intend to go if I'm needed for an emergency. Until then. I'm going to be right here. Stealing your body heat because why the fuck not?"

"Only for a little while longer. Then you're going to see Doctor Martin."

"Oh, right, you mentioned that." I said, not really wanting to deal with that.

Rolling back completely to my side of the bed away from Lev, I tucked my pillow under my arm. Resting my head on the pillow. I just wanted to go back to sleep. Closing my eyes, I couldn't get comfortable.

"Will you just hold still? Why are you so wiggly this morning, Alessio?"

"I can't get comfortable now." I hissed, annoyed. He just had to pee when I was sleeping so well.

"Stop wiggling around and you could get comfortable."

"Not how this works!"

Lev must have really had it with my wiggling because his arm wrapped around me and he yanked me across the bed and he held me still. I heard him sigh. His body wash and cologne were heavy in my nose and, for a hot second, I had to tell myself that it was inappropriate to sniff the man.

"Let me go. I'll just go see Dr. Martin. It's probably why I can't get comfortable. I'm too worried about this therapy shit."

"No, you wanted to sleep, so this is where you're going to stay until I decide to let you go. Besides, some human contact does you Mihail's good. Even if you all hate it."

"When did you become a Mihail expert?"

"I've asked both spouses. If anyone knows, it's them."

I sighed. I was not about to even touch that with a ten-foot pole. Under his weight, I relaxed and accepted my new fate. I was here until he let me go. He was so damn warm. I drifted to thinking about Caleb again. The memory was bittersweet.

In my memories, Caleb laughed, taking my hand and we danced to a stupid song that played on the tv's music station, while we worked. We were looking over the updated supply lists and the song had come on. He had asked me to dance, and I agreed. It was one of a few moments where his brightness shined. Holding off the darkness, he was fighting. His addiction.

I hadn't even realized I was tearing up again, and they were falling until Lev spoke.

"I can feel your tears on my skin. Want to talk about it?"

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