28 - Chapter Twenty - Eight - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Finishing up the meeting, Maddox politely waited for my guys to go before he spoke.

"Alessio, I say this with the best of intentions. Before you sign off on anything, bring it by me so I can check over it. You're not in the best place right now, and I think it would be best if you had a second set of eyes and opinions when it comes to leading the family."

"I'd appreciate that Maddox. At least then I know my heart and mind are in the best place."

"I didn't want you to think that I'm not invested in you because I am. I want to see you be a capable and well crafted leader."

"But you were worried about overstepping and pissing me off. Trust me, you are one of the few people I still trust and who have made no moves to devalue their trust with me."

"I appreciate that, Alessio. He made things tense and hard on you again. I just want to be someone to help you forward."

"I had no intention of passing anything without asking your opinion on it. After all, you are the only well put together mafia don I've seen."

"That's not always true. I have bad days too."

"While I think about it, does this also extend to my job as the doctor here? Signing off on those things?"

"No. Your head there sounds normal."

"Right, so just family related things, not medical."

"Correct. Just think of it as a mentor program."

"Maddox, you don't have to go easy on me, you know. I know you're worried about my poor judgment. I'm sure you've read the notes too. You don't have to pretend you're not worried about me burning everything to the ground."

"I've seen the notes. But frankly, I'm not all that worried about it. You're already looking at ways to get things back on track. But take it from me. I've been where you are and I just want to make it easier for you in the long run."

"I appreciate you wanting to help me. And even if at some point I might seem ungrateful, I am not."

"When I lost my dad, I was like you. It's not the same completely, but I understand."

"First Caleb, then Lev, it's a lot."

"I share some understanding there. Not a lot, but enough."

"Alright, well. Not to cut things short or seem like a jerk Maddox, but I honestly have some plans to get a nap in before I have to check on Ryer again."

"Is Ryer well?"

"Yeah, better than well. Sasha is keeping him fed and watered like a good owner, I mean lover."

"Sasha would find that amusing, Ryer. He may not."

Leaving Maddox's office, I was only looking forward to one thing, and that was napping. Ryer was my priority after that. Then dinner with the family, which I couldn't miss. Opening the door to my wing, I was never happy to feel the cold air. I could already feel the coldness of the bed, and it was dreamy. I peeled off my clothing, right down to my bare ass, and crawled between the sheets.

Taking a deep breath of the sheets, I hissed out in distaste at the scent coming off all the blankets and pillows. Lev's scent. It was the last thing I wanted to smell right now, even if it was comforting. Kicking off the blankets, I snatched my clothing off the ground and pulled it all back on. Leaving the wing, I headed to my dad's and didn't bother knocking; I knew it was safe. They still had Matteo here for a few more days. The smell of cookies flooded the front door when I walked inside.

I expected it to be maybe Matteo and Lukas making cookies, but surprisingly, even my dad was helping ‌.

"Hey! You came to join us!" Matteo said, his hands still covered in all the junk from mixing cookies.

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