57 - Chapter Fifty-Seven- Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Stretching out on the bed naked, I glanced over at Lev, who was still sleeping. He was handsome, and I wanted to touch him, but I was jonesing for my medical wing. Slipping out of the bed, I pulled some slacks and a sweater from the closet, along with my boxers and socks and a shirt from the dresser. I got dressed.

I was barely out of the door when I could hear Alexi and someone clearly arguing in Italian. The second male was clearly annoyed as he hurled insults at Alexi. Rounding the corner, Alexi narrowed his eyes on me.


"You. Where is Lev?"

"Sleeping. I'm heading to the medical wing."

"Take someone with you, please, and thank you."

I raised an eyebrow. The other male was clearly annoyed Alexi had pushed him off for me.

"Alexi, I am speaking to you. I had to take time from my mountain of paperwork, from you might I add to come get my missing papers—---"

"Theo. This is my cousin Alessio, the Don of the Concetta family, the one you helped get added to our family."

"Nice to meet you."


"Alessio, this is Theo Di Salvo, The Lawyer for the family."

The male visibly got agitated.

"Alexi, Vincent, not Di Salvo. How many times must I tell you I have divorced from that family line? That man and I are not even in the same country. We dislike each other so much."

"Excuse me, my bad, Alessio Concetta Mihail, meet Theodore or Theo Vincent. Maddox's only first cousin."

Looking at him, I needed to see them side by side. I couldn't see Maddox in this man.

"I didn't even know Maddox had any family." I muttered.

"We have a ton of family, But Maddox's father was seen as a disgrace. They distanced themselves from him, forgetting that he even existed. I knew of Maddox, but until I was a young teenager, I had never even met him. It wasn't until my father was broke and willing to kiss Maddox's feet that was I met him. I don't even think Maddox considers me family, if I am honest."

"Theo is paying back his father's debt."

"I see."

"It was nice to meet you, but I have business with Alexi. Now Alexi, I need those bloody papers so I can file them accordingly."

Shaking my head, I walked away. I had a medical wing to clean and reorganize. Then order supplies. Heading down the hall, I passed Vito, who was quick to switch his path and walk alongside me.

"Where are you off to, Alessio?"

"Medical wing."

"Where is your... partner?"

"Lev is sleeping, and yes, he is my partner."

"You shouldn't be alone."

"Lev needed the sleep, So I'm letting him sleep, and it's only the medical wing."

"I'll stay with you until he wakes up, then." He said, still walking alongside me.

"If you would like, you're welcome to do so. You won't have to babysit me long, Vito. Caio is coming, ordered by my mother, of course."

"Good, we could use Caio's help. He is well skilled in the art of protecting Alessio Concetta."


"You took your father's last name, too?"

"Yes, once he was registered as being my father, I opted to have both last names. It was only fitting."

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