16 - Chapter Sixteen - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I hadn't even thought about how I was going to introduce Matteo to Lev. What was I supposed to say? We were currently sharing a bed, meals, and everything else. It looked bad. Pulling into the complex, Matteo's face was wide as he took everything in.

"It's so different from what our house looks like!"

"Yes. It's wildly different from our house. All of Maddox's underbosses live here, along with plenty of the henchmen."


"Yeah, I'll give you the full walk through tomorrow."


I pulled into the spot where my car had been parked before and turned it off. Matteo had his seatbelt off and was already opening the door when I took mine off. I had to jog to keep up with him. He was busy looking over all the vehicles parked outside. It shocked me to see Maddox had one sports car parked out front. Chances were, it was Emerson that left it there, as he often did when he was going to leave again shortly.

"Nice car eh Matteo?"

"Why don't you have one?"

"I don't see any need—"

"You can afford it, many times over, so why don't you?"

"I don't want to waste my money on it. I work hard for—-"

"Your inheritances, you idiot, the money from grandpa."

"I don't want the money, I told mom. Seems wrong for me to take it when I will not be the one to take over the family."

"Stupid. We all got the same amount of money, regardless."

"How the hell do you know all that, Matteo?"

"Let's just say mom doesn't always pick up all of her paperwork or even lock the office at home and I've done some looking, even while you were still living with us."


"I know, I know. It's bad."

"Moms going to murder you."


I took his brag from him and headed inside.

"Come on, brat."

Emerson nearly plowed right into Matteo, who was too busy looking around to see him coming.

"Sorry Alessio!"

"No worries."

"Sio, That man almost killed me."

"That man is Maddox's husband, Emerson. If I can give you any tips for while you are here, make friends with that man. His cookies are amazing. He puts mom to shame."

"Oh Sio, I'm going to tell mom." Matteo laughed.

"Do it and I'll tell mom about you snooping in the office."

'You're holding me hostage!"

"Blackmail, it's different from being held hostage."

"You would know."

"You should too. You need to study these things."

He sighed, loudly.

"Come on, I left Lev and everyone. We were having dinner."

"Sorry Alessio." He said lowly.

"Eh, no worries. I'm glad you're here. Although next time, call before you make plans."

He nodded and followed behind me. When we reached the door of my dad and Lukas', Matteo had asked me about twenty questions about things. It was fine, though; I didn't mind answering him. He was just curious about how things worked around here. I opened the door and shoved him inside first before coming inside and closing the door.

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