30 - Chapter Thirty- Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Stretching out on the bed, I let out a loud sigh. My bed still smelled heavily of Lev and, as much as that annoyed me, I was also still sleeping great thanks to his inviting scent. His pillow was under my arms and head where I had cuddled around it last night. I had a couple of things to do before going to the beach with Matteo. I had to check on Ryer and then possibly another meeting with Maddox today. We were talking about the start of building the new complex for my family. On top of that now, we also had to discuss the price on my head.

I wasn't worried about it; sadly, it wasn't the first time. I just wanted to go back to not having to watch over my shoulder again, but I knew this would happen, eventually. I just didn't think it would be this soon.

Laying in the bed, I took a deep breath of Lev's scent and emotions flooded in. In such a short time I had got used to having him here, and the letter hurt more than I cared to have anyone know. It was like a hot knife in my heart. I trusted Lev with things I never even told Caleb, and that was the sobering thing. The letter had not contained everything I had told him, but a large part of it.

I wondered if he had found the watch yet. Despite it all, I didn't regret giving him the watch. I wanted him to have something to remember our time together. Whatever emotions it brought up for him were enough for me. But part of me hoped he felt like a jerk for what he did.

"Lev, if you could only see how much you actually hurt me." I whispered into the bitter silence of the bedroom where only a few days ago he slept beside me.

It was only six in the morning and there was no way that Dr Martin was going to be in his office, just no way. He and Jackson had children, small ones at that. If they were awake, they were busy. I thought about leaving to get breakfast and a coffee from the small coffee shop that my dad and Lukas liked, but I didn't. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed.

Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I thought about sending my dad a message and finding out if he was awake, but I doubted that, too. I figured just laying in bed was the best option.

The sound of my phone going off jolted me out of sleep and I looked at the clock as I grabbed my phone and hissed. It was only six forty in the morning. I pressed the talk button and placed it to my ear.

"Alessio speaking?" I muttered.

"Get up and get dressed, brat. We have problems and you're coming with me." My dad said before hanging up on me.

Assuming the worst, I got on some decent clothing in case there was some kind of firefight and made sure to put on proper footwear. It was far too early for this shit, but at least it was something to do. Dad was pretty much outside my door when I opened the door.

"Good. You're dressed in decent clothing."

"What's going on?"

"Maddox was alerted to some of our cargo being raided currently, and he is sending us to stop it before they even leave the port. Everyone is getting tossed into the field. Even Sasha and Dimitri. You as well, you will be my backup, because Ryer is a little busy."

"Alright, sounds good. Want to take my car?" I said.

"Sounds like a plan. Am I driving or are you?" He asked.

"Up to you. I don't care." I sighed.

"You drive then." He replied.

I nodded, and we all got suited up in BPV's and equipped with weapons. Grabbing my spare keys, someone yanked me by my vest suddenly.

"This is on wrong Alessio. You have too much of your lower torso showing. You really should fix it." Sasha said, letting me go and giving me a stern look.

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