59 - Chapter Fifty-Nine- Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Seven a.m rolled around and instead of being in bed where I wanted to be, I was walking to dad's wing with Lev. I was glad for the painkillers I had eaten with my five a.m crepes. I didn't think I would be walking without them after the skin to skin session Lev and I had. I wasn't going to complain about it, though; it was delicious.

Opening the door, Dad and Lukas seemed way too happy for this hour of the morning. Sitting down at the table, I went slowly and carefully.

"I heard you had a busy night." My dad said, sipping his coffee.

"Eh, you do not know. I had Jackson and the henchmen, then three or four a.m dick appointment and then five a.m crepes. I had a full schedule."

Dad frowned while Lukas snickered.

"Your underboss, Vito, has gone to get your babysitter, Caio. I believe they were the words he said."

"I see, that's fine. I knew he was coming. This is sooner than I expected, but I knew. Mom demanded he come and help, and I was cool with it."

"Did you tell your mother about your intentions with Lev?" Lukas said, suddenly catching me off guard.

"No. I haven't. I can worry about a more family event when one of my underbosses isn't trying to end me and I have the time to invite all the family." I sighed.

"Will you be keeping the fact you guys are going to be married private once you are married?" Lukas asked.

"For the time being, that is wise." Lev said.

"Yes, I think that's smart." My dad said.

"When Vito gets back with Caio, I have a very interesting task for them."

"Is that so?" Dad said, looking at Lev, who struggled.

"I have a property a few hours from here that I want them to make disappear."

"Alessio, there are people living there." Lev said, sternly.

"Not for long. I believe that is where Nico is conducting all his outside behaviour. If I eliminate the house, he can't use it as protection. And the people living there, I'll deal with it."

"Do you have proof of this?" My dad asked.

"No, call it a gut feeling."

"I see." My dad said, looking at Lev again before looking back at me. He was silent. I didn't like it much. I felt like he was judging me.

"You will do what you need to Alessio." He said, shrugging.

"Don't worry, I'll think it through and make sure I will look after my own." I said, setting my hand on Lev's thigh.

"I trust you will make the best choices." Dad said.

"I will need to sit down with the Lawyer, however. I have some paperwork to figure out for my mother—--"

"Lukas and I are already handling that matter, Alessio."

"How do you know when she asked me to ask you?" I said. Really confused.

"She called me. She wanted to make sure she wouldn't be offending Lukas or I if she moved here."

"I see."

"I offered her the new house, where my parents had their house, since I won't be using it. I'm pretty happy here at the complex."

"Thank you. That was very kind of you. If you are intending to sell, I'll buy it for her. Just let me know the value and—--"

"We are dealing with that as well, Alessio. We are going to rent the house once it's completed for her."

"Let me know the price and I'll send you the money—---"

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