43 - Chapter Forty- Three - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev woke me up just before my call with my dad and Lukas. My hips were sore, very sore. Lev brought me something to eat, a drink and some pain pills before he went to shower. The pain was a pleasant reminder of the things that Lev and I got up to. His dinner from the night before was long forgotten, and I felt bad for wasting the food. When he got out of the shower, I apologized for it. He didn't seem to be bothered about it, but accepted my apology.

Getting out of the bed finally, I limped to Lev's office to borrow his laptop for the best connection to call my dad via video call. His leather chair was cold on my exposed back where my sweater rode up. Yanking it down and opening the laptop. I barely got signed into the program before it rang. I sighed and clicked the accept call button.

"About time. I wondered if you were going to be late for our call." My dad said, his arms crossed, Lukas on the couch beside him.

"Why haven't you turned the spare room into your office yet? This would have made all this so much easier."

"Oh. You didn't tell him." Lukas said, the smirk on his face taunting my dad.

"I didn't have a chance, and I want to tell him in person." He grumbled.

"While that will be a bit still, from my understanding." I sighed.

"You need the time to get all your affairs in order." My dad said, Lukas agreeing too.

"How is the manhunt on your end going?" I asked.

"Nico and Vito have been working with Sasha and Demitri to find any information and leads about anything."

"Anything worthwhile?" I replied.

"I'm sure Maddox will brief you on all things of that nature. That's not why I called."

"I know. I just feel left out of the loop. That's all." I hissed, readjusting myself in the chair.

Lukas raised a single eyebrow at me but said nothing. But then I remembered about the photos and the one from Lukas in particular.

"Hey, while I remember about it, when did you sneak that picture of Lev and I? But also why?"

"Oh, Haha. You saw it."

"Yes, I did."

"Picture of Alessio and Lev? Where was I for this?" My dad said, turning his attention to Lukas.

"Here, as normal. I took a couple of pictures of them. They both looked like they were enjoying themselves, and I wanted it. We don't have any family photos, and I just wanted some kind of photo of Alessio for the collection." He chuckled.

"I see. Well. I want to see the photo too, then." He grumbled.

"Lev has it framed here."

"Does he?"

"Yes, he does, and I know how he got it."

"I merely gave it to him, to remind him of things." Lukas said, smirking.

"I'm sure that was all it was." My dad taunted.

"How is your wound coming along?" Lukas asked.

"Here, I can show you, it's pretty much healed." I said, standing up slowly, to avoid causing unnecessary pain. Lifting the side of my sweater and pulling down the side of sweatpants slightly, I showed them.

"Alessio Mihail. Is that a fucking hickey?" My dad said sharply.

"Uh, no?"

I looked down and right at my hip, and sure enough, there was a hickey there, but it was a fair distance from my wound. I didn't even know it was there or when he had placed it there. Fuck, I wasn't even sure if I was awake when he place it there.

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