33 - Chapter Thirty - Three - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev carefully pulled the duct tape. Part of me wished he would pull faster so that it was just over. But no. That just wasn't my luck.

"Just relax, I'm almost done."

"Pull faster Lev." I hissed.

"I can't. I don't want to chance ripping out your stitches and tugging at the skin."

"Alright." I groaned.

I bit my tongue as he kept pulling and held the towel around my hips, so it didn't fall again. Once he was out of the danger area, he just yanked the rest off.

"Son of a mother fucking bitch!"

"Alessio, use your inside voice. I have neighbors."

"I'll inside voice you. Fuck it stings." I groaned.

He brushed his fingers over the tender skin where it was going red from the tape. But the spot wasn't great. At least not for this moment. Where I was in a very revealing towel.

"Stop, that's enough, thank you."

"Alessio. Do you—Never mind, You need to get dressed before we are late."

I moved as fast as I could back to the spare room. Lev had laid some clothing on the bed and, unsurprisingly, there were no boxers. Not that his would fit me to begin with. But wherever the hell we landed, I was going to need to get some. I still wasn't pleased about the whole situation, but there was little I could do about it now. Maddox had signed the deal with Lev and thought this was best, so I was inclined to believe him.

Dropping the towel, I ran my fingers over the spot he touched, itching it for a moment to get rid of the sensation he left on my skin. I sat down and pulled the pants on, and tried to tie them up as tight as I could. I needed them to stay up. If they didn't. It wouldn't be great.

Lev gave me a long sleeve shirt and a sweater. It was like we were going to the arctic by the way he was dressing me. But I was sure that an eight-hour flight wouldn't get us to the arctic. Lev had nothing packed when I came out of the bedroom, but he was dressed down in jeans and a sweater.

"I've got to be sleeping or high."

"How come?"

"I don't think I've ever seen you in anything other than sweatpants."

"Would it shock you to know I also own plenty of suits and normal clothing, right down to men's leggings? They are perfect for a good workout."

"Hm. Right."

"Alright, let's go."

He grabbed a laptop bag from beside the couch.

"Do you have my phone and ID?" I asked. Not finding it where I had left them.

"Yes, It's in my bag."


"Now let's go, We are going to be late."

He walked way too fast to the elevator and by the time we got down to the main floor; I was still breathless from trying to keep up in the hallway. This was going to be great. The doors opened, and he was on the move again. The SUV in the parking lot never looked better to me. It took me a few moments longer than normal to get in the vehicle without hurting my side. I couldn't even begin to imagine how Sasha felt getting in and out of his SUV in the beginning. I would have rather died.

Closing the door, Lev didn't even give me a chance to get my seatbelt on by myself. He reached over and yanked the seatbelt around me, and clicked it in place. I didn't complain about it, though it was there. It just didn't seem like the smart thing to do.

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