41 - Chapter Forty- One - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev fixed his pants and boxers and helped me up off the floor. He got me a glass of cold water.

"Drink, it will help."

"I hope so." I hissed, my throat aching.

"I would say sorry, but I don't think I am—No, I'm not." He said, deeply.

I didn't hate what Lev did to me, the exact opposite actually. I just wasn't expecting it. And the part that was a little uncomfortable was that he called me beautiful. He never did that before, and it was kind of odd. More so because at that moment, I was a hot mess.

"Next time, warn me before you attempt to end my life with your cock." I groaned.


"Ugh! You try to end my life with your cock and I'm fucking hard."

"I didn't try to end your life. You're being dramatic, Alessio."

"You sure as hell weren't letting me breathe."

"I was pulling out enough for you to catch your breath for a moment."

"Then you were using my throat like a meat sleeve. And I'm not saying I hate it, but shit, warn someone!"

"Hush, you're fine. I made sure you didn't pass out."

I finished off the rest of the glass of water and set it down. Lev was washing his hands and had his back towards me. Bad move on his part. I crept up behind him and pressed my hard cock into the back of his left thigh.

"Can I help you, Alessio?"

"I do believe you can, but this has to come off." I said, gesturing to both of our sets of clothing.

"Oh, feeling spicy, are you?" Lev said. Deeply.

"My throat is aching and I'm hard, both of which are your fault, so play with me."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is."

"I wasn't too rough with you?"



I saw the look on his face reflecting off the window.

"Don't look at me like that. You can't be that surprised that I'm good with getting rough. I grew up in a Mafia household. I'm pretty well versed in getting hate fucked in a closet."

"Excuse me?"

"It was the hate fucked in a closet part, wasn't it?"


"I had a tutor that was two years older than my fifteen-year-old self. He was seventeen and a senior in highschool, as was I. But not the point. When my mother was gone, he would hate fuck me in the closet because he hated me, and my rich privilege."

"Did your mother know?"

"Oh eventually. They threatened him to stay away from me and never speak a word about what we did, and so on. By they, I mean the underbosses."

"Did Caleb treat you roughly sexually?"

"When we actually had sex, I had to beg the man to get rough with me. He didn't want to hurt me."

"I see."

Lev backed up and barely gave me a moment to move away from him. He turned around and backed me into the island.

"I need you to know something Alessio..."


"I'm going to get rough with you. I want to possess you and every fibre of your being."

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