01 - Chapter One - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I spent most of my time on the plane in my head. The only time I didn't spend there was when I buckled the seat belt up and unbuckled it. Everything else was headspace. After eight and half hours on the airplane, it ended. Getting my bag and heading out front, I messaged Alexi. He was quick to message me back to let me know ‌Sasha would be coming to get me and should be there shortly. I wondered why Sasha was the one coming to get me? Not that I was annoyed about that. Sasha was a pretty good guy from what I saw and knew about him.

With my two suitcases, I flicked through my phone while I waited. I had plenty to do when I got back to the complex. A hot shower was one of them. Before I forced myself to go look at Caleb's body. If it was being stored on the property. I honestly had no clue what the plan was at this point.


Sasha pulled up in front of the airport in an SUV. He looked good. Better than he had when I left a few weeks back. He helped me load the suitcases into the trunk and we both got in. He pulled away from the airport and he sighed softly.

"How are you holding up?"

"Honestly, I haven't even really cried, like a good long cry. I cried for a few minutes when I realized I didn't get to say goodbye to him. But otherwise. No."

"He didn't pass alone. I'm not sure what all Maddox and Andrei have told you."

"Only that he had passed. I know nothing else."

"I see."

"What happened? Was it painful for him?"

"I was there when he passed. I went to look for him to have a look at my hand. Right place at the right time."

This was the first time I noticed the bandage on Sasha's hand.

"Did anyone with a medical degree take a look at your hand?"

"No. But its—"

"When we get back, let me have a damn look at it. If you seriously damaged something, we need to know."

He frowned at me. But he didn't disagree.

"How did he pass Sasha?"

"Stage four cancer. He ended it himself before he would suffer."

"Why? Why the hell didn't he tell me? I could have helped. I could have done something." I shouted, angry about it.

"He didn't want you to suffer watching him die slowly. He wanted to spare you that pain."

"I am still going to suffer."

"Yes. Death is death, regardless of how it happens."

"My dad, is he ok?"

"Lukas said he had a dreadful night. He was worried about you and how you handled the news."

"I handled it like you might imagine. I hung up the phone on him because of the shock and needing to process the news. When I see Caleb, this calm will be long gone. I am ok with that too. I feel so numb, I feel like I should have lost my mind by now crippled with loss, but here I am carrying on like I'm not about to put the closest thing I've had to love in the ground."

"Everyone handles death differently."

I wanted to tell him I hadn't even handled the death yet, but I thought that best to keep to myself. I didn't need a one-way ticket to see Dr Martin this early after landing. Sasha seemed content to sit in the silence. I could see marks on his throat when I looked at him, but I wasn't nosy enough to ask about his sexual life with Ryer. I knew they were messing around. Hell, everyone knew. You could pick up on their sexual tension from across the room.

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