55 - Chapter Fifty- Five - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I frowned. Maddox continued speaking about matters that had turned my brain to mush. I knew I needed to focus on the meeting, but two things were bothering me, My need to have Lev deep inside of me and the fact that Nico was missing and Luca was taking his place, claiming his father had a more important emergency to handle at the moment.

Maddox didn't look fazed or even bothered by it, but I was and it was getting under my skin. But I couldn't bring it up, it wasn't the right time.

"Alessio, are you still with me?" Maddox asked politely.

"Yes, sort of."

"We were discussing the idea of placing small houses in the space between our two family complexes, and I wanted your take on it." Maddox said.

"That sounds like a brilliant idea. It moves people out of the larger houses but keeps them on the grounds and protected." I said, really liking that idea.

"I make sure to run it by Alexi and find out some good estimates on prices."

"When you know, let us know and we can offer some cash up as well. Make it cheaper for both families." I said, confident that our money situation was stable.

"Alexi will definitely be in touch with you about this, then Alessio."

"Alright, sounds good."

"I think we have touched base on everything for right now then, anything you would like to say."

"Luca, stay on the call. I want to discuss some things with you, and thanks for being present, Vito. Thank you for your hard work. You too Maddox, I appreciate everything you've done for my family."

Everyone signed off but Luca. He looked tired and stressed out.

"How are you? And how are you handling things?" I asked..

"I'm exhausted. I haven't slept for over four hours a night in a week. My father is dumping all his work on me and I am suffering."

"I will get to the bottom of this and make sure that he is doing his own work."

"He is too busy with whatever important work he is doing. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it. I might go far enough to say that I don't trust his behaviour, Alessio. Please practice caution when you come back. If you can avoid being alone with him, please do it. I'm not trying to scare you or make it sound like he is dangerous, but I don't know what he is up to, and it seems out of his character."

"Thank you for that insight. I appreciate it Luca, It means a lot to me. I should be back—--"

"No, don't tell me. You don't know when these walls are listening, Alessio."

"Alright, instead, I'll just see you when I do."

"Hey, also, Happy really late birthday, Alessio. It was months ago, but what did you do?"

"Mother fucker, you're right! I missed my fucking birthday. Months ago."

"That seems like you, neck deep in work ignoring the world around you." Luca said, chuckling.

"Alright, well, I have to go. I need to rip Lev a new rear end for making me miss my birthday."

"Ok, You do that. See you soon."

The line closed as he signed out, and I closed the program, then the laptop, and went out to the living room.

"How was your—--"

"You made me miss my birthday months ago, motherfucker!" I hissed.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! I've been twenty-three for months and not even realized it." I groaned.

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