20 - Chapter Twenty - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Maddox checked his watch before he stood up. Fixing his suit and speaking.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but I promised Em we were going to have dinner tonight and go away for a few days to the vacation house."

"Oh, shit sorry! My bad, we can discuss this at another time."

"Ah, nothing to apologize for. But let's pick this up when I get back."

We both left his office, and he went back to his wing, or at least that's where I figured he went and I wandered the halls. I needed to actually think about this and figure something out before I dove headfirst into it, with no plan. For sure, I had the manpower. I could move the higher ups, and the lower workers who couldn't move could still work there at the house. Mom would remain the controlling piece there, since I couldn't.

It wasn't like I was going into this with no money and no way to keep this going here. I had money both from grandfather and what I had made here. We had a few investment properties and could get more if needed, but I wanted to put that off for a little. We had a 'house' here, but I was sure it wasn't worth using as a primary base. Not to mention it was four hours away, and that was much too far for me to be commuting. I was just thankful that Maddox offered some of his land to my family. I just wanted this all to run smoothly.

I bumped into Lev while I was pacing the hall by my dad and Lukas'. He softly smiled at me.

"I was just coming to find you."

"I needed to think about some things and clear my head, but I didn't really get too far. This is all going to be a lot of work and very overwhelming. I'm not even sure that my family will want this or even agree to move here, even if they only have too part time."

"Alessio, relax. You don't need to know everything right this moment. You will iron out all the details, but not in a single night."

"I wish I could. That way, it's not weighing so heavily on me."

"Come along. We are going back to your wing."

"But what about my dad—-"

"I told him I was going to find you and take you back to your wing. Before you overwhelm yourself."

I nodded and allowed Lev to drag me back off to my wing. I needed to get a new phone, but that could wait until the morning. Lev's phone was the only way into the wing, so I was happy that he had it.

Inside, Lev closed the door, and the lock flipped. Lev seemed to relax a little more and looked right at me. I watched him as I walked to the couch and sat down the wrong way. Just so I could watch him over the top of the couch. He raised an eyebrow at me, questioning what I was doing, and that was fine. The silence wasn't uncomfortable.

Standing up, I walked towards Lev and wrapped my arms around him. He seemed a little put off by the action, but didn't make any moves to remove me from his space. Call this wrong and a straight up betrayal to Caleb, but Lev made it easy to enjoy his comfort. I buried my face in his shoulder and took a deep breath. His body wash and cologne filled my nose, and it was welcoming.

My dad would flip out if he knew that Lev was the largest source of my comfort right now. And I didn't want him to have to go anywhere. I was ok if he decided to stay here with me. Hell, I wanted him to stay, but there was not a single good way to put that into words right now. Where it didn't feel like I was shoving all my memories and the few good times with Caleb into the trash.


"Shhh. Don't talk, just let me enjoy this for a moment before my entire life goes to hell."

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