58 - Chapter Fifty-Eight- Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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I would have loved to be home over twenty-four hours before they needed me in the medical room, but that was wishful thinking. Here I was at two a.m. Tossing on the closet clothing I could find, I left the wing Lev hot on my tail. I felt bad, but he had insisted he go too. I had no clue what I was walking into, so I prepared for the worst.

Opening the door, the sound of arguing was deafening. I clearly picked Jackson's voice out of all the voices, but that was it. Following the blood drops and the noise, they were in the first room. Jackson looked so sorry about this, but I could see why they needed medical attention. Jackson himself needed medical attention, too.

"Let me grab gloves and we can get this shit fest underway."

The two henchmen looked like they had definitely been fighting after once good look. Slipping gloves on, I spoke.

"Did you get in between them, Jackson?"

"Yes, they were fighting, and I warned them. Then I had no choice but to step in and end it."

"I'm going to look over you first, then you can go home to Zev if you so well choose or stay here and oversee all the medical attention."

"I'm heading home after this. I'm sure Lev can handle them if need be."

"I can handle it if I need to," I said softly, coming back into the room.

Jackson sat in the chair after I pointed to it and I checked his nose, and made sure it wasn't broken and the bones around his eye. Nothing moved where it wasn't supposed to and he didn't have any massive discomfort. I was checking for deep tissue damage, but he didn't seem too bothered by my pressing on his face.

"Put some ice on that. Follow the twenty-twenty rule and come see me in the morning. If you can, sleep with your head slightly elevated. Again, come see me in the morning so I can double check your face again." I said.

"Got it, Thanks Alessio."

"Of course, say hi to Zev for me."

Jackson took off pretty quickly, and I watched Lev shake his head in amusement. Turning my attention back to the two henchmen, they both seemed to have the same level of damage.

"Both of you, rate your pain and tell me where it hurts? Did either of you sustain head trauma?"

Going through all the questions, I fixed them up based on the level of damage. After checking for broken bones and tissue damage, I had to stitch a lip wound and straighten a broken nose, and pack it with gauze to be on the safe side. Throughout this whole shit show, I went through several pairs of gloves and supplies.

Looking around at the mess after they were gone, I sighed. Lev was starting to clean up, and I yanked his hand back.

"Don't touch those. There's blood and snot and other shit. That's a biohazard, and I don't want you to touch it."

Yanking another pair of gloves on, I cleaned up the mess and carefully took my gloves off and tossed them into the bin. After washing my hands in the sink, I went and washed up to my elbows then. After drying off, I stretched out and looked at Lev.

"If you want to go back and go to bed—--"

"We, and I, want to make sure you get that. We are going back to bed."

"Alright. I was going to stay back and organize more things, but you're right. Back to bed is more appealing."

Back in the wing, I messaged Jackson to let him know I had both of them treated and handled and I would report it to Maddox in the morning. Lev crawled back into the bed after he double checked the door again. I peeled my clothing off every single layer, boxers included. I was awake and full of energy.

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