23 - Chapter Twenty - Three - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev sat on the bed as I laid down.

"Go away."

"Why? I want to make sure you're ok."

"I can't look at you."

"Alessio we both—--"

"Did you see what I fucking did to you?" I screamed, making myself wince from the loudness.

"Yes, I saw. I cleaned all my own wounds."

"Why are you not pissed off and packing your things? Why are you still here?"

"Over this? Hardly. It hurts when I breathe and my lip feels like shit. But I'll be just fine."

"Lev... I—"

He rolled me over and pressed his lips to mine. He tried to pull back, and I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't want him to move.

"Just let me hold you. I feel terrible. I hurt you."

"If anyone is hurt, it's you. Ryer gave you quite the slam. You're lucky the mild concussion is all you have." Lev said, his voice deep, but low on my ears.

I brushed my fingers against his split lip and lightly shoved him off me. Standing up, I headed to the kitchen, and he followed me. Opening the freezer, I took out an ice pack and a towel from the drawer and passed it to him. He frowned at me.

"Ice your—Hey!"

Lev set the ice on the countertop and backed me into the fridge. He looked over me in the light from the kitchen. His fingers were gentle on my skin.

"If you were anyone else, I would have beaten you to a pulp last night. But that isn't the case here. But understand one thing Alessio, I can make you disappear where no one can save you. I have the means to do so."

"Did you just threaten to kill—-"


"But you—"

"I would never kill you. But abducting you, that's not off the table."

His fingers drifted down, and they touched the still developing bruise around my neck. The frown set deeper into his features.

"Are you actually ok Lev, I really ‌hurt you last night."

Lev stepped back and peeled off his clothing. He didn't stop until he was just in his boxers. Developing bruises littered his skin, and I felt sick.

"Look at me, Alessio."

"I can't."

I looked at the floor. And he lightly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up. He forced me to take in the entire extent of the damage I had done. His ribs no doubt took the brunt of my attack on him. I reached out and touched his ribs. Gently, I checked all his ribs for any breaks I could feel.

"Put your clothing on. I want to—Just get dressed."

He stepped back and started to dress again. I had to look away, because I wanted something from him and god I wanted it badly. I stepped around him and walked to the bedroom. Closing my eyes, I stood in the dark, cold room. My head was still aching, and I was tired, but for my own good, I wanted to completely look over Lev. It might make me feel a little better.


"Oh. Sorry, I needed a minute in the dark."

We strolled down to the medical wing, and I had to use the override on the door to open it and I could hear people speaking, and Maddox stepped out from behind one of the curtains with blood visible on his fingers.

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