27 - Chapter Twenty - Seven - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Having spent the rest of the night in the medic wing, I unwillingly subjected Ryer to my constant pacing back and forth. He was doing better, though. His coloured had returned, and he was showing next to no signs of discomfort. He was even slightly sitting up and talking.

"Do you intend to pace back and forth all morning long, or will you save me from that horrible fate?" Ryer groaned.

"Sasha should be down to see you shortly, then I can go." I muttered, grabbing the rolling chair and sitting down, rolling my way back to Ryer.

"How are you doing?"

"Really. You're asking me that? You're the one with a knife and a bullet wound, and you're worried about how I am," I replied.

"I will be fine. But you... How do I put this... You're oozing pain.."

"I'll be just fine, Ryer, thank you."

"You don't have to be. You're allowed to be not ok."

"Unfortunately, that just doesn't fit into my very busy schedule."

"He will come back. He will realize how much he misses you and then—-"

"It's better this way. Trust me."

Ryer dropped the subject, and we both sat in silence until he spoke again.

"While we are both here... I'm sorry about your head. It really was an accident."

"It's pretty much healed. I'm not worried. But thank you."

"How is your dad? He took a shot last night and then—-"

"Dad is fine. You have the most damage. Dad's wounds are not fun, but not as dangerous as yours. You're lucky, Ryer."

"Just another day in the life of—--"

The lock popped, and the door swung open. Sasha looked like he hadn't slept a damn minute in the last six hours and I felt for him.

"Ryer." He said, his voice rough with sleep or lack of sleep.

"Still alive and well this morning."


Sasha came in and I gave him my seat. He looked at me with a sympathy in his eyes for a moment before he looked back at Ryer. I didn't want him to look at me like that, but I knew why.

"I have a couple of things to do this morning. I trust you can look after Ryer. If you need me, I have my cell phone and you can call me. I should only be—--"

"Go, I've got Ryer." Sasha said, all but telling me to go away. But not rudely.

I needed a shower and to grab my medication before going to see Dr. Martin. After that, there was only one more place I wanted to go, rather I had someone I wanted to talk to. Even if he couldn't answer me back.

The wing was cold and empty and it felt that way as soon as I walked inside. Shaking off the feeling, I went to the bedroom and hunted for the pills, but they were gone. So was the box and alcohol. I knew it had to be Lev that took them. Pinching my nose in frustration, I wanted to scream. But I didn't. I just peeled off my clothing and tossed them to the floor. Stomping to the bathroom.

I didn't wait for the water to heat up. I yanked the handle up. Hissing when the cold water assaulted me for a moment before the hot water came. I had a meeting with my men and Maddox this afternoon that I really wasn't particularly looking forward to. But it needed to be done.

I scrubbed my skin until it was pink and then washed my hair. Turning off the water, I grabbed the towel off the hook and rushed to wipe some of the water off me. I didn't care too much about being fully dried off. I was only going to see Dr Martin.

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