25 - Chapter Twenty - Five - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Three days, that's how long it had been since Lev had slept beside me in the bed. He was sleeping on the couch and had his things packed to leave. It had also been three days since we had spoken more than a few words to each other. It was killing me not to speak with him, but he was avoiding conversations with me. Hell, he was spending time with everyone else speaking freely, but not me.

Everyone seemed to be in the loop with Lev leaving. Alexi had even tried to bring it up with me, but I had politely declined to speak about it. Right now, I was too busy running my anger out on the treadmill. I didn't have the faintest idea where Lev was or who he was with. I was working my hardest to show I didn't care about him leaving.

Zev kept popping up out of nowhere and asking if I wanted to talk. I figured it had something to do with Maddox pushing him to make sure I was ok. Since we were now in a partnership, My family and his. We helped each other.

My mother had faxed me all the information for the underbosses, but they had yet to actually take my calls. For whatever reason. I figured they were going to see how long my mother would let me play my games, but they had no clue that I had been serious when I said I was taking over. No matter, I had things to do here while I waited.

Alexi and I were making a house call tonight. Maddox had put us both on the task of collecting money owed. All I knew was it was a former dealer who stole drugs and cash and tried to go unnoticed. Maddox had given him plenty of time to own up to his theft and to pay up, and now that time had expired.


I looked up, and my dad was standing there, slightly puzzled.

"What's up?" I asked.

"There are some Italian men at the gates asking for you. I believe they are your underbosses and a few others."

"Figures they would show up today of all days."

"You best hurry."


"They weren't the happiest to have to wait outside the gate."

"Maddox is aware, yes?"

"Yes, he is also heading out there. He is just wrapping up his paperwork."

Dad and I jogged from the workout room up to the front door where Maddox was strapping on a bulletproof vest and, honestly, I didn't blame him. I hoped soon enough he wouldn't need that when dealing with my family.

"I'll head out first." I said.

"Be careful, kid." My dad said.

Walking outside and down the yard, Sasha and Creed and a couple of other guys had their guns trained on the men standing outside the gate. They were indeed my underbosses and their right hands. I had to reel in my anger and I sighed.

"Alessio, what is the meaning of this!'

"I could ask you all the same thing. I contacted every single one of you and not one responded to my calls or texts. So let me ask you. What the hell are you here for?"

"Your mother was calling the shots and then suddenly she was not and we heard you are. Excuse us for being skeptical."

"She told the truth. I'm calling the shots now. So get comfortable with the idea, gentlemen. I'm about to cause plenty of trouble. Call it shaking the ranks."

"Excuse me for asking. But are we welcome here, on Don Vincent's property, because it doesn't feel like it?"

"Right, Maddox on his way out. Till then, If you have any weapons, I'd like to have them. Just for security reasons. Your behaviour falls on me now and I won't allow you all to act out of line."

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