46 - Chapter Forty- Six - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev hunted me down for dinner. I was sitting on the floor in the spare room, relaxing in the silence. He said nothing, and I was aware he was there. I heard his footsteps on the hardwood floors. I waited for him to say something, when he didn't I spoke.

"What can I do for you, Lev?"

"Dinner is ready."

"Thanks, I'll be out in a moment."


He left, not closing the door behind him, and I opened my eyes, hearing his footsteps retreating. Getting up, I dusted off my pants and headed to the kitchen. The lights were dimmed and the only thing that seemed to light up the kitchen was the few candles on the tabletop. This was all too much. Lev had sat down and was waiting for me.

"Sorry I made you wait?"

"It's fine. Please sit."

Pulling out the chair, I sat down and looked at him.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm feeling fine, Alessio."

"Good. Great. I'm glad."

"Don't worry, I'm not just saying that for your sake."

"I appreciate that... So what is this?"


"Under candle light?"

"I blew the light bulbs in the kitchen and it turns out I have no more. So this was my best idea." He spoke, sipping from his glass of water right after.

"I vibe with that." I chuckled.

He got up when the oven beeped and he pulled out the most amazing smelling fresh bread and clearly homemade lasagna. The smell reminded me of home for a moment. I smiled softly to myself.

"You make me jealous that you can cook so well. I burn nearly everything." I murmured.

"We have enough time that I can show you some things, Alessio."

"Eh, don't waste your time. You will only get frustrated with me and I don't need a replay of earlier today, If I stress you out."

"I doubt you will. And please, don't act like this is some recent issue. I've had it for a decade and I'm fine. I'll take the meds for a few days and everything will be fine again."

"Should you be taking them all the time, not just a few days after an episode?"

"Probably, but they make me feel sick and foggy. Among other things, I can't stand it."

"Hmm, I see. Maybe a medication change is in order, then?"

"I don't have time to play drug lab trials with anyone."

I nodded as he set a plate of food down in front of me. I would have got it for myself, but Lev didn't like that. He preferred me just to sit down and he would grab my food. Sitting across from him, I saw his hands trembling as he sat down and picked up his utensils, and this visibly annoyed him.

I wanted to ask, but I was sure it was a side effect of the medication he had taken. He ate slowly and watched me when I took my first bite. It was amazing.

"Ugh... How can you cook this well?"


"Everything you make tastes so good."

"Try the bread."

I bit into the slice he gave me and sighed. It was delicious too. What the hell couldn't this treat of a man do?

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