42 - Chapter Forty- Two - Alessio Mihail's Point Of View.

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Lev rubbed my hips gently with his fingers, and he whispered.

"Are you alright, you can let it all out, regardless of what it is. This is understandably hard. This is the first time since—-"

"Hush Lev. I just need a moment. Please."

"Anything you need right now, Alessio, take it."

Taking a few more deep breaths to calm my racing heart and the emotions welling up. I looked at Lev again. He had a concerned look on his face, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't look at me like that. I might mistake you for caring about me."

"That wouldn't be a mistake."

I sighed.


Spitting in my hand again, I lifted my hips up and coated his cock before slowly lowering myself again. I moved up and down slowly, and Lev's hands held my hips. His grip far tighter on my non injured hip. He took over and lifted his hips up slightly and held me up, too.

He gave a few slow deep thrusts before he yanked me right off of his hips.

"Christ! Lev what the—-" He shoved me right into the top of the mattress and I ate the blankets.

It didn't take the man over ten seconds to move me around to where he wanted me with my hips up and face against the mattress, and he wasn't nice about it. One of his hands rested on the back of my neck and middle of my shoulders, and it was all he was using to hold me there.

I heard him spit into his own hand before he slipped back inside me, desperately slow.

He was doing it on purpose, too. He buried himself balls deep and stood still for a few moments before he snapped his hips out and grabbed my good side. His blunt nails biting into my flesh in a strange mix of pain and pleasure.

"Alessio, It's quite pleasing to see you on the end of my cock like this." Lev said, His voice deep, but like silk on my nerve endings.

I would have replied, but the mattress muffled my words, so I just grunted at him. He pressed me further into the mattress as he fucked me. He went slowly, and built speed, until the sounds in the room were grunts from us both and the sound of our skin connecting and it felt like the biggest of the pleasurable sins. Lev suddenly pulled me away from the mattress, his arm under my mine, and his hand wrapped around my neck. His hand fit too well for this to be a single event. Lev was far from tender and I was living for this. Lev's free hand jacked me off sloppily, but it was enough to make me moan.

Lev's lips hovered against my ear, his voice deep and rough.

"Cry for me, Alessio."


Lev paid me back for the bites when he sank his teeth into my shoulder and snapped his hips deeply inside me a few times. His scent wrapped around me. He was all I could smell, and it was clouding all my senses. It filled me with just pure primal need for this man.

My first orgasm hit like a truck, and I moaned, pretty sure I was seeing literal spots in my vision. Lev didn't let up on me, though. He moved even as I spasmed around him. Panting, I leaned further back against him. Lev grunted, his hips moving out of tune and he buried himself in me as grunted, his cock twitching inside of me. His hand tightened around my throat and he held me there.

When he finally pulled out, He chuckled. I was going to ask him why, but I felt it running down my leg.

"Mmm, you seem to be losing my gift, Alessio."

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